Kyoshi Island

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              It's been two weeks since that encounter with Zuko. I had been left in my cell with just my shackles. Every time I was brought water, a guard would enter and pin my arms and legs like an animal, while another would administer the liquid in a cup. They fed me food scraps of their meals from days past. I was growing weaker day by day, I could feel my muscles aching with every move I made. Only the thoughts of freedom kept me comforted. Knowing my family was safe with each passing day, filled me with great strength.

Sitting on my cot, I stared at my feet, praying to the spirits that I would see my family again, free. The shackles were rubbing my skin raw. Every time I moved, I winced as the metal rubbed my delicate skin. The red cloth hung loosely on my frame, signifying my loss of weight. I listened intently as the boat cut through the waves. The ocean was still calling me.

My ears perked up as I heard footsteps approaching my cell. Groaning, I assumed the position for the guards to enter my cell and give me water. The shackles clunked against the floor as I rested my back against the wall. My arms held straight into the air against the wall and my legs were straight out in front of me. I listened for the click of the cell lock, my only indication that the door opened. My only hope of freedom.

"No need to do that, Kadence," Iroh hummed as he entered the room with a pot of hot tea.

The intoxicating scent filled my nostrils. I sucked in a deep breath before allowing my ocean blue eyes to meet his amber ones. He smiled gently at me before taking a seat across the room on the floor. As he sat down, he hummed a light tune under his breath and poured some tea into a cup. I still had yet to move from my position.

"Please," he sighed, "have some tea."

He held the delicate ceramic cup towards me. Cautiously, I dropped my arms in front of me. Cocking my head to the side, I took a good look at the old man. He was aged, that was for sure. He was a Fire Nation General, someone who was cold and calculated; yet, he seemed kind and gentle as he held the cup towards me. I scoot across the floor as best I could and gently (and graciously) took the cup from him.

As I brought the warm liquid to my lips, I paused for a moment. Glaring down at the liquid, then at the old man. He watched me, passively watching my every move. Instead of sipping the tea, I brought the cup to my lap.

"It's not poisoned," he chuckled. "I would never ruin good tea," he joked as he sipped his cup.

Sighing, I noticed how dry my throat was as I looked at the brown liquid. Slowly, I brought the cup to my lips and took a small sip, quenching some of my thirst. A content sigh escaped my lips, and against my better judgment, I showed a small window of relief.

"You're a very gifted waterbender," Iroh commented, knocking me back into reality.

I squeezed the cup tight in my hands and scowled, refusing to meet his eye line.

"I realize this is not the most ideal situation you are in," he tried to comfort me, "but I assure you... you will see your family again."

I scoffed at the remark, and we sat in silence for a few moments. Neither of us said a word as we sipped our tea. The liquid was soothing, almost comforting. I fought the urge to bend, but I would not show the only man who had shown me kindness since my capture rudeness. Taking one last gulp, I finished my cup and set it on the ground next to me. It was nice to drink with my own hands, instead of being fed water like an animal.

"We will be docking soon," Iroh stated as he gathered his things. Before he left, he paused at my door and faced me, connecting his eyes with mine. "I ask you to forgive my nephew... not for what he's done to you, but why... he's lost, but I am sure he will find his way..."

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