Avatar Roku

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              It's been a week since we left the earthbenders. Aang had left on a long journey into the spirit world, trying to get Sokka back. When they returned, Aang told us he had spoken to Avatar Roku, who told him he would be able to speak with him if he went to his statue on the solstice. I smiled at the plan, but there was a catch, the island we had to visit was in the Fire Nation.

That's the course we were headed. We were to leave in the morning. The full moon hung high in the sky and a cool night breeze ran through the village. I had snuck out of the room where we were resting for the night to practice my waterbending. It had been a while since I used my ability.

I was twirling a stream of water around me when I heard feet scuffling in the village square. The water splashed around me as I dropped my water and ran to the center of the village. Quietly, I approached a corner and peered around. Aang was standing with Appa in the village square, trying to coax the animal to follow him.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked as I approached the two.

Aang jumped with a start and whipped his staff in my direction. I held my hands up in defense as the Avatar looked at me. He dropped his staff by his side as he realized who I was.

"I'm leaving," Aang sighed.

"Without us?" I questioned, walking towards the young boy.

"Look, I'm sorry, but you are not coming with us. If any of you got hurt, I could never forgive myself," Aang whispered turning back to the large creature. "Come on Appa, get your big butt off the ground!"

Aang tugged at the reigns, but Appa did not move. I smiled as I rested my hand on the large creature. His fur was warm, comforting. Listening to the night, I heard footsteps approaching from behind and looked over my shoulder to see my siblings running to us.

"I think his big butt is trying to tell you something," Sokka yawned.

"Please, don't go, Aang. The world can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation. Neither can I," Katara pleaded.

"But I have to talk to Avatar Roku to find out what my vision means. I need to get to the Fire Temple before the sun sets on the Solstice. That's today," Aang informed.

"We're not letting you go into the Fire Nation, Aang." Katara barked.

"At least not without your friends," Sokka stated as he walked towards the front of Appa.

"Yeah, we got your back, kid," I smiled.

"Ewww!" Sokka cried as the large creature licked him from toe to head.

"Ick," I grimaced as my brother was cover in slobber.

"It's a long journey to the Crescent Island." The chief said as he approached, handing the Avatar a parcel. "You'll have to fly fast to have any chance of making it before sundown. Good luck"

"Thank you for your –"

"Go!" The chief cried, cutting Aang off.

We all hurriedly boarded Appa. Aang sat on top of his head and called for him to fly. The night breeze kissed my skin as we ascended into the night sky. I smiled at the sensation. The feeling of being free.

"Hey," Sokka sighed as we made our way through the sky.

"Hey," I hummed back, leaning against the side of the saddle.

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