Agni Kai

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Huffing, I stood against the back wall and took the best running start I could towards my door again. As I neared the metal, it swung open, halting me in my tracks. There, in the open doorway, stood the boy with the scar and his plump uncle.

"Put these on," the boy growled as he tossed me Fire Nation clothing.

I stared at the clothes with disgust.

"It's in your best interest, dear," the boy's uncle said gently. "There are others around and if they were to find out you were a waterbender... it could prove deadly to you."

His warning was gentle. He reminded me greatly of my father, always trying to keep people safe. Sighing, I picked up the clothing and gave it a once over.

"Kind of hard to change when I'm shackled." I gestured towards my restraints.

The boy with the scar, Prince Zuko, growled and walked forward with a set of keys in his hand. He stood in front of me for a moment, allowing his figure to loom over me. The room began to feel heavy, almost as if it was filling with steam. The moment between us ended as he bent down and unlocked my feet. As he stood, I twitched my foot but was knocked off course as he yanked the chain attached to my shackled hands. I stumbled into this toned chest, letting out a small yelp. My blue eyes peered up into his gold ones. The connection between us, reborn. My breath caught in my throat as I watched the firelight dance in his eyes. The scar on his face glistening in the light.

"I don't want any funny business," he tried to sound threatening, but it came off... gentle.

I just nodded my head at him and allowed him to unshackle my hands. He gently pushed me away from him and walked back towards his uncle. The men stood in the doorway together again and stared at me. Picking up the clothes again, I smoothed the material in my hands. It felt nice, the material. An internal conflict was ensuing in my mind. If I put this uniform on, I may as well be betraying my tribe.

"Are you going to change or not?!" Prince Zuko hollered.

"It'd be nice to have some privacy," I growled.

"Come, Zuiko," his uncle grabbed the handle of the door. "Let the girl change in peace."

"You have five minutes," Zuko glowered as the door slammed.

Sighing, I began to disrobe. Each article of clothing I took off was gently folded onto my cot. As I pulled the cloth over my body, I could feel the fabric brushing my skin. I sinched the red cloth around my waist. A long slit was left up to my left and right leg, allowing the fabric to ebb and flow around me... like water. There was a knock at the door, letting me know, my time was up.

"Just a minute," I hollered.

Sighing, I glanced down at my body. New shoes, new dress... same necklace. The tips of my fingers brushed the trinket around my neck. It was half of my mother's, Katara had the other half. I never took it off, but I knew it would give me away. A small tear escaped my eye as I removed the necklace and set it with my belongings. Another knock sounded at the door, louder this time.

"I'm decent," I yelled as I turned to face the door.

The door opened, once again revealing the prince and his uncle. The two men took in my appearance, causing me to shift my weight in discomfort.

"Come with me," the prince whispered.

"Where are we going?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Just keep quiet and don't say a word," the prince ordered.

Slowly, I approached the men. As I made it to the door, I stood directly in front of the prince.

"Do not step out of line," his voice was low and threatening. "These men will not hesitate to kill you."

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