The Great Kingdom of Omashu

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After parting from our sister tribe's vessel. We took our gifts from Master Pakku and began our journey to find Aang an earthbending master. We were headed back to the City of Omashu, to see King Bumi. The crazy old man had Aang go through dangerous tasks just to figure out he was his old friend. General Fong, the man we were supposed to meet for an escort, was no help. He only wanted to force Aang into the Avatar State, which he did, but... let's just say things didn't turn out well.

We were alone, just the four of us, again. Journeying through the woods to Omashu. We tried going through the front gates like before, but the entrance was blocked by Fire Nation soldiers. So, we were forced to go through this "Secret Tunnel" with some nomads we ran into on the way. They were a little cooky, but they were nice, and they knew how to carry a tune.

We were separated in the tunnel, Katara and Aang had Appa, while Sokka and I were stuck with the nomads. Luckily, we all made it out safely, thanks to some music-loving badger-moles.

Currently, we stood on the edge of the mountainside, looking down at the overrun Kingdom of Omashu. Now, Ba-Sing-Se was the only Earth Kingdom left untouched by the Fire Nation now. We tried to convince Aang to move on from Omashu, but he refused. Now, we were heading into the city through... a sewage pipe.

"Ew!" Sokka cried cover his nose as he jumped into the pipe.

Aang airbent the sewage around him, while Katara and I waterbent it out of our way. The smell was awful, like rotten cabbages mixed with... I don't even what to think about it. Aang and Katara jumped out of the sewage line and I quickly followed their lead. The streets were empty and the air stood still. It was like the city was abandoned.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought." Katara hummed with a light smile on her face.

Sokka moaned behind us as he stuck his head out of the manhole. Looking down at my twin I grimaced. He was covered in sticky green sewage. Glancing to my left, I spot a barrel of water. Bending it, I pulled it toward me and suspended it above Sokka's head as he stepped out of the manhole. Dropping the water, I washed away the sewage from his clothes, while Aang blew air at him, drying him. Sokka yelled at our antics.

Cocking my head to the side, I noticed two little purple octopus-like creatures on either side of my twin's head. They began to palpitate and squeak, causing Sokka to scream again. Sokka grabbed one of the creatures and began to pull, but the cute little thing would not let go of him.

"Aahhh! Ahhhh! They won't let go! Help! AHHHH!" Sokka cried out.

Aang pounced on Sokka, pinning him to a nearby wall with great force. Sokka stopped screaming and plopped down on a crate with a sour look on his face.

"Stop making so much noise. It's just a purple pentapus." Aang informed.

The purple pentapus began to palpitate again, making small squishy noises. I smiled at the cute creature as Sokka tried to pull it off. He made choked noises as the creature held on. Aang rolled his eyes and rested light fingers on the purple thing's body. He rubbed the creature's head with his finger and the pentapus slowly released from Sokka's neck. I followed Aang's lead and did the same thing to the other creature. The squishy being cooed as it let go of Sokka and I placed him in a small pot of water. Sokka rubbed his neck and cheek trying to rid himself of the dots as Aang grabbed the last creature from the back of Sokka's neck.

"Hey!" A rough voice growled from behind us.

Katara and Sokka closed ranks to obscure Aang from view for a moment. The boy disappeared, then reappeared a second later with a red, flat-top hat to hide his tattoos.

"What are you kids doing out past curfew?" The man bellowed as he approached.

"Sorry. We were just on our way home." Katara gripped Aang's shoulder and began leading him away, while Sokka and I followed.

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