Pirates and Intensity

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              Saddled on Appa's back, we flew through a mostly cloudy sky. I sprawled out near the front of the saddle and watched as the clouds drifted past. The dew sprinkled my skin as I tried to relax, but that proved impossible as the Avatar paced to and fro on Appa's saddle. Sokka was currently placed on Appa's neck as he steered the animal through the sky.

"Would you sit down?" Sokka hollered over his shoulder over to Aang. "If we hit a bump, you'll go flying off!"

"What's bothering you, Aang?" I asked, looking up at the pacing boy.

"It's what Avatar Roku said," the boy sighed, clearly perturbed. "I'm supposed to master all four elements before that comet arrives."

"Well, let's see," Sokka hummed, "you've pretty much mastered airbending and that only took you 112 years... I'm sure you can master three more elements by next summer."

"Not helping, Sokka," I muttered to my brother, sitting up from my position.

I watched as the Avatar began to freak out over the fact that he hasn't even learned waterbending and we were still weeks away from the North Pole. The boy crumpled to his knees, rubbing his eyes in frustration. Katara quietly made her way over to the boy, wrapping him in a comforting embrace as she kneeled next to him. Taking his hands, she offered him comforting words and told him that she and I could teach him what we've learned. The boy perked up at his words. I smiled at my sister.

"We'll need to find a good source of water first," Katara told him loud enough for Sokka to hear.

"Maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash in," Sokka chuckled to himself.

I rolled my eyes and carefully crawled over the saddle. Appa's fur wrapped around my frame as I made my way over to Sokka. The feeling was soft and warm; reminding me of the pelts from home. I nudged Sokka gently as I pulled the reigns from him. My twin brother smiled at me before sliding a little to his left, careful not to fall off the beast.

"Hold on tight!" I cried with a wicked smile.

"Kadence... what are you – AHHHH!" Sokka screamed in my ear.

"WOOOHOOO!" I laughed as steered Appa closer to the ground.

The wind rushed against my body, cooling any warmth I had. My hair whipped behind me as we burst through the sky. I giggled with glee. I pulled up on Appa's reigns, wrapping the leather around my hand for more control. The beast followed my motion and we skimmed just above the trees. Katara and Aang laughed as they peered over the side of the beast. A sea of green blurred below as we soar through the air.

"THERE!" Katara cried, pointing to the left of Appa.

I looked in her direction and saw a large waterfall flowing in the distance. Smiling to myself, I pulled the reigns to the left, steering Appa in the direction of flowing water. The animal slowly descended on the shore. Once firmly planted on the ground, I slid off the beast and ran towards the water. Breathing in the smell of the fresh flowing stream, I jumped in the air, excited to be near my element once more.

'Nice puddle," Sokka muttered, annoyed with our find.

"Oh, cheer up Sokka!" I smiled. "This is the best place we can be."

Without looking back, I ran into the water, letting the liquid splash around me. I made my way to a small island of land in the middle. Turning, I ushered Katara and Aang over to me. The two looked at me with large smiles from the left bank. Appa soared above us and suddenly dropped into the water, causing a large wave to form and soak us. I laughed at the feeling of water rushing over me.

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