Aunt Wu's Prediction

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It's been many weeks since our encounter with Jet and the Freedom Fighters. Katara still seemed upset over the ordeal, but she refused to talk about it. The group was tired and weary. We had been through many trials these past weeks. Ducking through a canyon with a group of people who did not get along, a large storm, and illness. Sokka and Katara had fallen ill on our journey, I stayed behind to take care of them, but I too became ill.

During my illness, I had many strange delusions. The one that had stuck with me was of me and Zuko. We were standing on a hillside, gazing at the sunset, but we weren't fighting. His arm was placed around my waist, and he was hugging me from behind. His chiseled jaw rested on my shoulder as he nestled into the crook of my neck. The moment was peaceful until I came back to reality... the reality of sucking on a frog. I still could not get the slimy feeling to leave my tongue.

Shuttering at the memory, I shook myself from my thoughts and pulled myself back into my surroundings. We were currently camped out by a lake. A large blue tent was set up to the right and the group was sprawled out amongst the land. Bored, I pushed myself away from my rock and stood in place. Taking a deep breath, I thrust myself downward, into a handstand. Holding my body in place, I slowly separated my legs into a straddle. Exhaling, I could feel my muscles stretch. Twisting my figure, I pulled my body around on one hand before placing my other down again.

"Look!" Katara shouted as something splashed in the lake.

Losing my focus, I lost my balance as well and my body tumbled to the ground with a thud. Grumbling, I sat up and saw what Katara was pointing at. A large green and blue fish flew into the air and then submerged himself once again in the water. Sokka complained that the fish was taunting him before sauntering off to grab his fishing pole.

"Where's the fishing line?" Sokka asked as he noticed nothing was cast into the water.

"Oh, I didn't think you would need it Sokka," Aang said apologetically as he held up a woven fishing line.

"Ahh, it's all tangled!" Sokka whined.

"Not tangled – woven," the boy airbended himself into a standing position and turned toward my sister. "I made you a necklace, Katara."

The boy sheepishly held the fishing line out to her. She gently took it from his hands and thanked him. Katara quickly fastened the thing around her neck as Sokka bickered with Aang. I smiled at the two. Sokka yelled at the fish to stop taunting him as he plunged into the water with a knife.

"So, how do I look?" Katara asked, posing.

The boy stuttered over his words as he looked at my sister with loving eyes. A blush consumed his face. Sokka emerged from the lake, holding onto a flapping fish, and made smooching noises at Aang.

"Stop teasing him, Sokka," I yelled at my twin.

"Yeah, Aang's just a good friend," Aang's face fell at her words as my sister rubbed his head. "A sweet little guy – just like Momo."


I smiled sadly at the boy, clearly upset by my sister's words. Sokka approached us, empty-handed as an ominous sound reverberated in the distance. Momo jumped off his perch and flew toward the noise, prompting us to follow. Aang flew ahead of us and cried out that a man was being attacked by a platypus-bear.

The bear was threatening a man dressed in blue with a... smile on his face? I stared at this man with an odd expression. He dodged any blows the creature threw at him. He moved so casually like he felt he wasn't in real danger. Aang, Katara, and Sokka shouted at the man, telling him different ways to avoid the danger he was in. The man calmly informed us he was fine. Tilting my head to the side, I was mesmerized by the man's actions.

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