Sparing and Dancing

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The play continued with dreadful acting and overly dramatized narratives. When the play began, Aang had yet to return. The timeline was nearing the invasion when the curtain to the balcony opened. A bright light flashed through as Aang slumped into the theatre. He leaned down to me and asked if he could have my seat. I nodded to the boy and slipped out of the pew. The boy thanked me before slouching in his seat.

Quietly, I stepped down toward the bench in front and tapped Zuko on the shoulder. His eyes snapped to me. A smile crossed his features as he looked at me. I shifted uncomfortably under his stare. Leaning forward, I took a deep breath and kept my voice low.

"Can I sit here?" I whispered, gesturing to the small opening next to him.

"Um, yeah, of course," he stuttered.

I gave him a thankful smile as he scooched down slightly. He accidentally bumped into Katara when he moved. I smiled at his clumsiness. I quickly took my seat as the actors moved around on stage. Settling into my seat, I gazed down at the scene below. Actress Katara and Actress Aang stood on top of a submarine prop.

"I just want to let you know, Aang, that I'll always love you." She placed her hands over her heart and took a deep dramatic breath. "Like a brother."

"I wouldn't want it any other way!" Actress Aang cried happily.

The two shook each other's hands and nodded in a friendly gesture. Actress Aang unfolded a mini glider as the rope pulled her up from the waving Katara actress. Actress Katara was joined on the top of the prop by me, Sokka, and Toph.

"Hey Toph," Actor Sokka nudged the much larger person next to him, "would you say you and Aang have a rocky relationship?"

My twin started to laugh along with the audience. He started to jump around in his seat and gesture and point toward the stage. He moved around so much he knocked into the bench the four of us were sitting on in front of him. Glancing back, I gave him an incredulous look as he shook Suki vigorously.

"I hope everyone is ready for the invasion," Actor Sokka stated. Then he jumped into this awkward fighting stance and yelled, "Slap-A-Pow!"

The other three actors on stage looked confused by his actions as the curtain dropped in front of them. Shuffling could be heard behind the partitioner as the crew worked to change the set. When the curtain was drawn apart again, two stagehands dressed in black were still pushing a large throne on the stage. Actresses Katara and Kadence ran in alongside Actors Toph and Sokka as Actress Aang was lowered from the vault above in front of the throne. A spotlight shined on her.

"We finally made it to the royal palace but no one's home!" Actress Aang cried, with an uncharacteristically happy tone.

Actor Zuko walked out on stage as a spotlight appeared on him. His hair was choppy and spiked out in all different directions.

"Actually, I'm home and I want to join you!" He called in a manly tone.

"Oh, Zuko!" Actress Kadence ran across the stage and embraced him. "I knew you were good!"

The two actors leaned in and shared a kiss. My eyes widened in horror as I watched the action unfold on stage. I glanced to Zuko with wide eyes and the two of us slid away from each other. I heard Suki snicker behind us.

"I guess we have no choice!" Actor Sokka groaned lowering his boomerang. "Come on!"

The group of actors rushed off the stage and into the wings. Actor Zuko was careering Actress Kadence bridal style. I slammed the palm of my hand into my forehead as the curtain closed.

"I guess that's it." Sokka hummed. "The play's caught up to the present now."

"Wait," Suki whispered as the curtains opened once more. "The play's not over."

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