Serpent's Pass

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After that, we traveled through a desert searching for a hidden library. When we found it, it was guarded by a large owl spirit named Wan Shi Tong. He became angry with us when he found out Sokka was taking the knowledge he learned about the Day of Black Sun to help us defeat the Fire Lord. The spirit sank the library in rage and tried to destroy us too. Thanks to Toph we escaped, but Appa was stolen. Aang was devastated by the loss of his pet. We had to force him to continue forward. We ran into the men that stole Appa... or at least one of them and found he was taken to Ba Sing Se.

That is where we were headed. We took a break from traveling by a canyon. The afternoon was peaceful and sunny. Toph splashed her feet in the edge of the pool while I climbed up the side of the canyon with Katara. The two of us had taken off our clothes, leaving us in our undergarments and bandages. I smirked at my sister, and we took a running start to the edge, throwing our bodies over the side.

"Waterbending bomb!" Katara yelled as we tumbled through the air.

I flipped over as she did and sent a massive column of water over the shore. My body submerged into the depths below. My long hair whirled around me as I turned to face my sister. Little bubbles escaped my lips. Bringing my arms above my head, I pulled them down and began swimming toward the light above.

"Nice one!" I laughed as my head broke the surface.

Kicking my legs, I kept myself afloat and began paddling my way over to the shore. The water licked at my legs as I stood to ring out my hair and looked at my annoyed twin brother. I apologized to him as I pulled the water from my hair. Katara graciously bent the water from the map and Sokka laid it down on the ground, spreading it out before him.

"So, did you figure out what route we're gonna take?" Aang asked.

"Okay, We just got out of the desert, so we must be around here," Sokka pointed to a place on the map, "and we need to go to Ba Sing Se, which is here. It looks like the only passage connecting the South to the North is this sliver of land called the Serpent's Pass."

"Are you sure that's the best way to go?" Toph asked.

"It's the only way, I mean it's not like we have Appa to fly us there. OW!" Sokka cried and grabbed the back of his head glaring at me.

"Be quiet about Appa," I jerked my head toward the sad-looking boy with arrow tattoos.

"Can't you at least try to be sensitive?" Katara asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"It's okay, guys. I know I was upset about losing Appa before, but I just want to focus on getting to Ba Sing Se, and telling the Earth Kin about the solar eclipse." Aang told her, trying to sound convincing.

"Oh, well, okay!" Katara said, surprised by the boy's demeanor. "I'm glad you're doing better."

"Then to Ba Sing Se we go, no more distractions!" Sokka hummed rolling up the map.

"Hello, there fellow refugees!" A man called out to us as he and his group stepped out of the forest.

He waved at us as he approached us. He looked young, maybe twenty or a little older. A very pregnant young woman and a teenaged girl followed behind him. Sokka's face fell as they came to us. He introduced himself as Tahn. The pregnant woman, his wife, Ying, and Ying's younger sister Mira. I smiled gently at the group before introducing our group.

"So, are you guys headed to Ba Sing Se, too?" Aang asked the man.

"Sure are, we're trying to get there before my wife has her baby."

The woman smiled, rubbing her large belly. She looked far along in her pregnancy. I don't know how far they were able to travel, due to her size.

"Great!" Katara cheered. "We can travel through the Serpent's Pass together."

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