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The Earth Kingdom fell that day. It felt like all hope was lost within the world. With the Avatar thought to be dead, many people surrendered themselves to the Fire Nation. Luckily for us, we had friends and family on our side. Also, Aang was still alive, but few people knew. We planned to keep it that way until the invasion.

It's been a few weeks since our battle with Zuko and Azula. We flew to Chameleon Bay, where we found our father and the other Water Tribe men. The Earth King had decided in wanted to travel the world in disguise with his bear. Soon though, the bay was overrun by Fire Nation ships. Rather than fight them all, we captured a ship and made it our disguise. We've been traveling west ever since. We passed through the Serpent's Pass a few days ago. The Fire Nation hasn't bothered us.

Katara was with Aang, giving him a healing session, but I stayed on deck. The night air was cool against my skin. I pulled the red cape that hung on my shoulders tighter around me as I listened to the water lap against the boat below. Light footsteps approached me from behind as I leaned against the rail of the ship. A heavy hand rested on my shoulder. Looking to my right, I saw my father gazing down at me.

His blue eyes glistened in the moonlight. Light wrinkles formed around them as he gave me a soft smile. He was dressed in a Fire Navy suit, but he still kept the two blue beads in his hair. I tried returning the gesture, but I faltered.

"What's wrong, Kay?" My father's deep voice asked, genuinely concerned.

"Nothing," I hummed, averting my eyes.

"You're just like your mother," he chuckled.

"What do you mean?" I asked, turning to face him.

"She would bottle up all her problems and tuck them away from everyone. She always felt if she expressed them, she would burden others. She did everything she could to keep everyone together, even at her own expense." A small tear trickled down my father's cheek as he spoke.

"You miss her..." It wasn't a question, but he answered anyway.

"Every second of every day," he hummed. He smiled at me once more. "But she left me a legacy of wonderful children."

My eyes brimmed with tears at the thought of my mother. Staring at my father, I broke down. Sobs racked my body as he wrapped me in a tight embrace. My body crumpled into his as I cried. All of my memories flooded through my mind. My mom dying, my dad leaving, Sokka and Katara, Aang... Zuko. A scream left my lips as I clutched the fabric along his sleeves.

"Mom would hate me if she knew what I did," I sobbed, my voice cracking as I spoke.

"She could never hate you," my dad whispered as he kissed the top of my head.

"She would," I cried pulling away from him.

"What could you have done that's so bad?" My dad asked, cupping my face in his hands.

"I fell in love with the enemy," I sobbed, clenching my eyes shut.

"Oh, Kadence," he sighed, but not out of hate.

"I know, I know. You hate me. I am so sorry. I –"

"I don't hate you." My eyes snapped open at his words. "I love you, sweetheart. You can't control how you feel."

"But I'm the reason Aang was captured. I trusted Zuko and I let everyone down. They all hate me. Katara won't talk to me. Sokka doesn't even look at me anymore. I ruined us. I ruined everything." A fresh wave of tears coated my face as I hiccupped to breathe.

"It's not your fault and your siblings don't hate you," I gave him a look causing him to chuckle. "They don't hate you. They're just a little upset at the moment. They love you Kadence. They'll get over it."

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