part 1 ⊰⊹

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the rifle in his hand blasted, shooting bullets one after the other, straight into the hearts of his enemies.

his partner was on the other side of the car, doing the same. the men in black suits shot back, their aim not nearly as accurate as his own.

dream ducked down, dodging yet another bullet that came flying his way. he hopped back in the car when he saw his enemies retreat.

"it's go time boys," he grinned, wiping off the sweat on his forehead.

"yes sir," karl said before starting the engine and swerving to the left. the car spun 180° leaving tire marks on the cement floor. he stepped on the gas and sped away.

they were being followed, but dream was still shooting at their chasers. this time using his trusty gold handgun.




the shots fired back and forth, some hitting their targets.

dream ducked back inside, assessing the situation.

"there's four cars behind us, all armed. how do you want to proceed?" sapnap asked urgently.

"we have the gold, now we have to get it back to wilbur. no point fighting them now. we've already won."

the brunet nodded in understanding.

"alright, karl, do your thing," sapnap said with a grin.

"with pleasure."

karl took a sharp right, cutting the corner. they drove straight through the glass panes and out the other side in seconds.

their pursuers followed close behind, however, now only three cars remained as one got stuck at the corner.

karl wasn't done yet though. he zoomed through the traffic, ignoring lights and driving through the wrong lanes. all while dream and sapnap shot bullets like mad men.

he spun the steering wheel, turning a whole circle before speeding away in the opposite direction. but they were still on his tail.

he looked over to the side and noticed the canal, the sidewalk lined with fake cannons. he couldn't see any bridge that connected the road on the other side.


"brace yourselves!" he yelled before the car screeched again, driving straight towards the water.

the three held on tight as the momentum carried them forward, the slopes from the cannons pushing them upwards just enough.

they flew through the air, inching closer and closer to the other side.

the car landed with a thud and lunged forward, but karl took control of thd wheel once again.

he could hear the enemy car crash into the canal as water splashed all over the back of their getaway car.

he grinned and continued racing forward.

dream let out a laugh as he watched the car behind him sink into the water.

"mission accomplished." he held up his hand. sapnap hooted, high fiving him and giving karl a big kiss.

dream laughed, completely distracted by their victory, but his eyes widened as he saw what was ahead of them.

"karl!" he yelled. dream stepped on the brakes in a panic, causing all three to lurch forward. dream hoped he'd stopped the car in time but-


"shit." he got out of the car, slamming the door shut and running to the front.

just as he'd feared...they had hit a civilian.

laying on the floor was a young guy. he didn't look too injured, just a bit of a scraped knee as far as dream could see. dream quickly knelt down to the ground, and reached out a hand for the brunet to hold.

the man looked up at him with large brown and blue eyes. he took dream's hand slowly and let the blond lift him off the ground.

dream picked up a pair of glasses that were on the ground with his free hand while he pulled him off the ground and helped him over to a nearby park bench.

he let go of the man's hand and smiled softly.

"are you okay?"

"i-uh yeah i'm okay yeah," the brunet stuttered staring at the man in front of him. he stared down at his pants, where he could see a gold gun handle sticking out of the pockets.

dream followed his gaze and laughed.

"oh don't worry about that. i'm not going to hurt you." he said with a smirk.

for a second there he thought the man was staring somewhere else.

"you did just hit me with your car you know." the brunet retaliated.

"hmm, fair enough," he laughed and the man in front of him giggled a little.

"we really gotta get going now!" sapnap yelled impatiently through the car's window. they were on thin ice. now wasn't the time for dream to flirt with random guys.

"yeah yeah coming!" dream yelled back.

"you're sure you're okay?" he asked the pretty stranger once again.

"yeah, i'm okay." the brunet said letting go of dream's hand.

"good. i wouldn't want to hurt a pretty boy like you now would i?" dream winked placing the man's glasses on his face.

"um uh i-"

dream didn't wait. he hopped back in the car, and drove away.

the british man could only stare as he watched the mysterious man drive away, as two more cars followed.


"schlatt sir, we tried our best. but we couldn't stop dream from taking the gold container."

the older man sighed, anger and disappointment evident in his eyes.

"quackity... are wilbur's men getting better, or our men getting worse?!" he yelled, slamming the glass in his hand on the table in front of him.

the mexican winced, but said nothing. he knew speaking up would only put his head on the line. schlatt picked up his glass again, sipping on the dark rum that it held. it was one of the few things that calmed him down.

"you know quackity," he began, "there was a time when wilbur and i used to commit small-time robberies at the docks."

"yes sir i know-"

"and now he thinks he can steal from me?" schlatt yelled once again, interrupting his inferior.

"sir, you don't need to worry. we prepared for this. the plan to recover the gold has already been set in motion."

the older man gave him an unconvinced look.

"the fact that you were ready to lose is answer enough quackity."

the younger looked down in shame. but it was expected. their enemy was getting too strong for them to handle.

and schlatt knew this too.

"he fucking thinks he can get away with this doesn't he?" schlatt snarled.

"all this sudden might he has, it's only because of dream! his own fucking son is his greatest weapon."

quackity quietly nodded along.

schlatt grinned, an idea forming in his head.

"so, tell me quackity' what do you do when your enemy has a weapon and you don't?"

his smile was pure evil.

"um, i don't know sir," quackity gulped, terrified of his boss' sudden change in mood.

"you fucking disarm him."

not me editing this in 2022 and dying of cringe

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