part 3 ⊰⊹

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his little brother's voice rang through the air.

"tommy! there you are."

the younger ran towards him, grabbing onto him for a quick hug. dream chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"wow you've grown so tall..." a different voice said.

"dad!" the little boy jumped onto his father, happier than ever to finally see him.

"how've you been son?" wilbur asked ruffling his son's hair.

"i've been great! i even got a 93 on my quiz dad! look!" tommy let go of his dad and opened his little backpack, pulling out a piece of paper.

"that's so great tommy we're really proud of you,"

"oh and here, we got you those games you wanted for the summer"

tommy's excitement came down.

"wait...does that mean i can't come home yet?"

his dad gave him an apologetic smile.

"no one loves me," tommy looked down at the ground. his face had dropped into the saddest expression he could muster.

"'s not like that-"

"you probably don't even miss me." the little boy looked up with teary eyes before storming away.

"tommy!" wilbur yelled, feeling guilty.

"i'll handle this," dream reassured.

"tommy!" he called out, running after his little brother.

he followed the younger blond down a flight of stairs to see him sat at the bottom with his knees tucked under his chin. he caught up and sat down beside him.

"c'mon buddy."

dream sighed when he didn't get a response.

"what should i say?"

still nothing.

"you're absolutely right."

tommy perked up at that, but he was still trying to ignore his older brother.

"we only come visit you once in a month."

tommy scoffed.

"i mean it's just that without you it's so boring that every day seems like a month."

the little boy looked up with unsure blue eyes.

"and you're right i don't miss you at all."

tommy gasped, going back to his original position with a pout on his face.

"it's a different thing that you can only miss someone you forget"

dream knew what he was doing. he knew exactly what to say in order to make his brother happy. and he knew it was working when tommy was giving him some more attention.

"and you're absolutely right we don't take you home..."

"that's only because we're making a new home, which will have a huge room, just for you."

tommy's head shot up towards dream. his eyes shone with excitement.

"where you, me and dad will live together in." he booped his little brother's nose with a smile that was reciprocated tenfold.

"really? you promise?" tommy bounced with new energy.

"yep, pinky swear."

the two intertwined pinky's and let go. tommy gave his brother a big hug and shot back up giggling.

"c'mon now dad is waiting."

dream got up and held onto his brother's hand as the two made their way back up the stairs to their father.

the older blond waited patiently as his father and brother talked and talked. they finally finished with a goodbye kiss and parting of various presents. and finally, it was time for them to go.

"bye!" the little boy waved enthusiastically from the top of the staircase. the two men at the bottom waved back with smiles, as they watched the little blond make his way back to his dorm.

"bye tommy!"


"what are you thinking dad?" he asked.

they were making their way back to their car and he noticed his dad quiet down.

"just that we can't let tommy stay with us because of this enmity," wilbur paused before continuing.

"there's always a threat to our lives...and he's only 9." he shook his head and looked at his son.

"and dream, if it weren't for you.. i don't know how i could've handled all this"

"dad, c'mon you know what you were like before i was even in the picture? you had all those guys crushed beneath your foot. they stood no chance."

wilbur smiled but the guilt he felt was still prominent.

"can i confess something to you son?" he asked dream, who nodded in reply.

"sometimes i wonder if i've been unfair to you."

they had stopped walking now.

"here i am, getting tommy educated, keeping him safe and away from all the danger,"

dream was about to speak but his dad continued.

"but i always keep you close to me,"

"i have burdened you with the responsibility of my work..."

"and always put your life in danger." wilbur looked at his son with sad eyes.

"dad. you know i chose this you don't have to feel guilty about it."

dream placed a hand on his father's shoulder, trying to reassure him.

"i mean...just because i am not your biological father..."

there was silence for a few seconds. they didn't often talk about dream's lineage, and when they did, it was always the same.

wilbur would always feel guilty seeing tommy flourish. he never gave dream a chance to do that. sure he'd given him the choice to choose the other option, but still, not the chance.

"i hope you don't misunderstand me" he sighed.

"no dad,"

"not at all,"

"i had no one,"

"and you picked me up from the streets."

dream would forever be grateful to this man. he'd been living on the streets, homeless for the first 15 years of his life. and one day, came wilbur. he'd saved him from that terrible reality. given him a home, a purpose. and no matter how much danger his life was in on a daily basis, he would always be right there for his dad.

"you want to know the truth dad?" he asked, smiling slightly.

"i think you keep me close cause i'm your favourite"

wilbur laughed at the statement, which brightened the smile on his son's face. he calmed down and once again, his voice took a serious tone.

"promise me dream," the blond waited.

"tommy should never know that you two aren't real brothers." dream paused again, but he nodded.

"he'll never find out" he said.

"but promise me that you'll never discuss blood ties again"

wilbur gave him a smile and a nod. that was enough for dream. he smiled back and the two walked towards their vehicles. he waited until his dad got in and shut the door.

"i'll see you dad." he watched the car in front of him takeoff, his dad giving him a small wave as he left.

he was about to get into his own car when his phone rang. he took it out of his pocket and grinned when he saw the contact. he pressed answer and held the phone to his ear.

"hello george..."

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