part 12 ⊰⊹

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warm sunlight shone lazily as the peaceful summer afternoon brought back the sun from it's hiding. birds chirped sweetly in the background, adding to the calm of the moment.  the blond lay on the lush grass with his eyes closed, head placed gently on his lover's lap as the brunet ran a hand through his dirty blond curls.

"dream?" a timid voice spoke, momentarily breaking the silence that ensued around them.

he hummed in reply, his eyes still closed as he relaxed further into george's touch.

"we should tell our families about us,"


"i don't want them to find out from someone else." the hand playing with dream's hair stopped abruptly surprising him slightly.

"it won't be right..." dream sighed, slowly opening his eyes, staring up at george through thick lashes. he reached for the brunet's other hand, taking it in his own and bringing it up to his lips. he ran his thumb over the smooth skin on the back of george's hand and kissed it gently.

"yeah you're right."

and george absolutely was. they'd been together 'officially' for over two weeks now, after that night. and both had decided to keep it to themselves for the time being. they had also been in the mafia business long enough to know that news travels fast. and the wrong people knowing their little affair could be disastrous.

dream sat up slowly, intertwining their fingers together and placing them on his lap. he looked down to face george, brushing a few stray strands of  the brunet's hair back with his free hand.

"you know, i can convince my dad. but what about yours?" he brushed his hand softly over the brunet's cheek, his voice laced with worry. "i hope he doesn't think my dad and i are trying to double cross you or anything."

george smiled slightly, "i'll explain it to him. and anyway, he doesn't hate you as much as he cares about me." he smiled cheekily, shoving dream back lightly.

"yeah i'm sure he does." he chuckled, earning an eye roll from george. he straightened back up and held onto george's hand tighter.

"but tell me one thing george."


"what if my dad and i really did have something planned, like you had?

george chuckled darkly, locking eyes with the blond. " i'll shoot you dream. and i know you'll do the same."

dream smiled, standing up and offering a hand for george to help him up.

"this is a bit of a twisted love we have going on you know. our relationship is solely built on the fact that if we stab the other in the back, we have permission to shoot."

george took dream's hand and lifted himself off the ground." i know, i know, but i like to think of it as more of a forbidden love with severe trust issues."

"i don't think that's a good thing georgie."

the brunet shrugged, taking dream's hand once again. "eh, we make it work."



the brunet snapped his head forward,  meeting eyes with the older man across from him.

they were sat on a long conference table with wilbur at the head, dream to his right with george beside him. the blond's hand ran up and down the brunet's thigh in an attempt to calm the jittery brit.

i mean, of course george was feeling nervous.  he'd heard a lot about the infamous wilbur soot. and knowing his reputation, george was fully ready to walk out of here with a couple broken limbs and a black eye. though he was pleasantly surprised when that did not happen.

bullet holes ⊰⊹ dnf mafia auWhere stories live. Discover now