part 15 ⊰⊹

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dream, who'd finally come out of his reverie, saw the situation in front of him unfold in silent shock. just as he was about to go over to wilbur, a trigger was pulled.

time itself slowed down as he ran, dropping everything in his hand.

but it was too late. a bullet rips through schlatt's gun and hits wilbur square on the chest.


his eyes shot open, involuntary tears dripping down his sweaty cheeks. his breathing was heavy, eyes wide as tried to calm himself down.

it's just a dream clay. get yourself together.

a few minutes go by and his breath evens, and he grabs a hold of his spiralling mind. he wasn't back there. no, he was far away, safe and sound in london. it was just a stupid nightmare.

the nightmares had gotten less frequent over the years, something he took as a blessing and a curse. at first, he went to bed every night expecting them, so they hurt less and less. but he got cocky. it got to a point where he thought they had stopped altogether, so he slept with a smile on his face.

he should've known better.

he sighed, picking himself off the bed and stretching his limbs, basking in the morning sunlight that barely peeked through the blinds. he yawned loudly and slipped a shirt on before taking an exit and walking out of his room. just as always he followed his routine, and his first stop, the workshop.

"morning sir!" one of his employes greeted, sliding out from under a car.

"good morning miguel! you uh seen tommy? he wasn't at the house."

"oh he took jerry's car for a test drive." miguel answered, sliding back under the car.

"ah okay, text me when jerry calls okay?"

"sure boss."

dream nodded to himself and carried on with his day, going to his next stop in the morning, coffee.

"good morning clay!" karl greeted with a cheery smile. the blond smiled back, greeting him as well, just as sapnap walked up behind the brunet.

"you're up! hey!"

"hi." he responded simply, following their lead to their local cafe. it was their daily stop at this point. they all take their usual seats at one of the tables on the outside of the establishment and get their orders.

but the blond seemed a little out of it to the couple. he sat there quietly, staring into the busy street beside them, his eyes all dull and glossy.

"clay...?" the blond didn't move at all, as if he didn't even hear karl.

"what's wrong?" sapnap asked, sensing the sudden change in mood.

dream turned his head slowly and gave them a strained smile before answering. "nothing."

"nightmare?" karl asked, knowing all too well that 'nothing' meant something.

dream nodded, not wanting to elaborate any further.

"it's been eight years clay, they'll go away soon okay? i promise."

dream just shook his head again, sipping on his coffee instead of giving them a reassuring reply.


the car skid on its wheels spinning in circles leaving tire marks all over the concrete floor. adrenaline flowed through his veins, his blond hair blowing back in the rush. he whooped in ecstasy, feeling alive and ready to take on the world.

bullet holes ⊰⊹ dnf mafia auWhere stories live. Discover now