part 21 ⊰⊹

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"come on! tell us karl please! you never know we might be able to help."

the older brunet sighed and shook his head, not letting up. dream would kill him if said anything to tommy. or anyone for that matter. though he almost considered just telling tommy if it got him to shut up for one minute. 

"tommy it's none of your business so just let it go okay?" sapnap answered instead, giving tommy a pointed look.

the younger blond let out a disappointed sigh, crossing his arms immaturely.

"but what are the chances sap? like seriously, of all the people in the world clay just happened to date tubbo's brother? that's just crazy!"

"just let it go tommy, it's fine. besides george might tell us." tubbo inputted with a shrug. he was getting increasingly worried about his brother. he could hear the yelling outside, since they were in george's little office in the back. they didn't want to disrupt the chef's and customers of course. though tubbo was gracious enough to let the sue chef know that george was having a bit of an emergency.

he peered out the window and could barely make out to figures outside in the dark. he frowned and looked away. he really hoped george would be okay. this was an important day for him, and some stupid ex shouldn't ruin it just like that.

"he's probably not going to you kno-" ranboo was cut off by a loud ding. karl furrowed his eyebrows when he realised it had come from his pocket. he pulled his phone out to see a new message.

clay :]

!3 new messages!

karl opened them up, his confusion growing steadily.

clay :]

it was bad

taking the car

im sry

the brunet jumped into action as soon as he read the messages. he shoved the phone over to his partner and scrambled to gather his stuff. sapnap, now also having read dream's text, stood up abruptly too, rushing to go find his friend before he did something stupid.

"what's going on?" ranboo asked, lifting an eyebrow at his parents sudden urgency.

"um, we have to leave, uh just stay here okay? make sure you get back home before 12." the tallest nodded and waved unsurely. his dad walked over to him quickly placing a kiss on his forehead before rushing out, causing ranboo to blush in embarrassment.

"okay then..."

karl and sapnap ran out the back door and froze immediately when they saw george sitting close by, leaning against the wall with his head in his hands. the two frowned slightly at the sight. they could only hope their friend was doing better.

sapnap was moving again, running towards the car park while karl stayed still for a bit longer. he silently watched the older brunet, his frown etching deeper into his face.

he had hoped, for dream's sake, that the two ex-lovers would never meet again. he couldn't bare to even think about how much pain it would bring the both of them. but the universe really had a sick sense of humour huh? right when everything was good and dream had become himself again, he showed up and disrupted their peace.

karl sighed and kept moving.

he soon caught up with the raven haired man who'd stopped at their car. the two looked wearily at the blond inside the car. his blazer was strewn across the passenger seat and his head was lightly banging against the steering wheel.

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