part 4 ⊰⊹

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"actually dream, i called you here because..." george paused, stirring his coffee. he and dream were sat outside a cafe after george had called him.

there was no rush of course, but dream was more than eager.

in fact, he was overjoyed at the prospect of seeing the brunet. needless to say, dream had a crush of sorts. god, it was so dumb. he felt like a teenager with all this crush talk.

for god sake he was a grown-ass man, with a very dangerous life. yet here he was, pining over a pretty british man he'd met.

in all honesty, who wouldn't. i mean just look at him.

those soft brown and blue eyes, smooth pale skin and pretty pink lips that dream wanted to kiss more than anything in the world right now.

"there are these guys who've been, well, bothering me."

"good..." he muttered, still in a trance. he couldn't take his eyes off the man in front of him.


"dream!" george banged his hand on the table, finally snapping the blond out of his daydreaming.

"are you listening?" the blond straightened up, shaking himself before giving the brunet a confident smile.

"mhm, i'm all ears." george rolled his eyes before continuing.

"a couple of guys have been troubling me. they er- they harass me i guess. " dreams eyes shot up. he could feel himself getting mad and riled up.

"i'm the only gay artist in this area, so they even say some homophobic shit." the blond paused for a second.

so he's gay? maybe i do have a chance...

"really?" dream was trying really hard not to smile. this was a serious situation, he knew that. but he couldn't help but feel giddy at the thought of maybe being with george since he knew now that he was gay. holding his hand, kissing him whenever he wanted, not to mention rail-

"yeah!" he snapped out of his thoughts once again. god, he really couldn't think straight around this man.

but back to the matter at hand. someone was hurting george. and well whoever they were made the dumbest decision in the world. because now, they had dream to deal with.

he leaned forward and cracked his knuckles, looking george in the eyes.

"tell me where i can find them"


"hey look who it is?"

those stupid guys were back. george tried to just ignore them like always, but today was different. today, he had dream.

"did you make that one fag?" the goon's friends snickered at the insult.

"you want to make a portrait of me?" george glared and flipped off the man, trying his best to ignore them.

"what? do i gotta kiss you for one?" he sneered and started walking closer to the brunet, who at this point, was starting to get a bit scared.

"come on, don't be shy. isn't this what you do? kiss other guys like a homo?"

that's it.

dream was not having this. he stepped in, standing between george and the stranger. his signature grin on his face as he stared the man down.

"what's your problem? get the hell out of here." the man tried to sound intimidating, failing, of course, considering dream towered over him.

dream grabbed the man by the face, squeezing his cheeks until the man couldn't move his jaw.

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