part 23 ⊰⊹

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before he could even process it, he was being pinned to a wall. slender fingers wrapped around his neck, holding him in a tight grip. he inhaled sharply, his breath catching slightly in the choking hold.

"what the fuck did you do." george spat, his face burning in fury. dream looked down at him in shock.

sapnap and karl were quick to react pulling out their guns and pointing it straight at the british brunet.

"get away from him." sapnap said curtly. everyone froze, george included. he slowly dropped his arm, letting go of dream as he stepped back slowly with his hands in the air.

karl looked at dream with concern, dropping his gun while he walked over to the blond. sapnap however stood his ground.

"you okay?" karl asked, eyeing dream as the blonde rubbed his neck wincing slightly. dream nodded, giving his friend a strained smile.

"you can drop the gun now sap. he has the right to be mad." dream gasped out. he coughed lightly and cleared his throat, regaining his composure. he looked at george wearily, who still looked like he was ready to murder dream any second now.

despite this, sapnap lowered his gun, however he still left it in his hand. never know when he would need it. especially with george's history.

"someone better start explaining some shit or i'm seriously gonna kill one of you. and you know better than to test me." george interrupted, his glare practically burning holes into dream's soul.

sapnap shot george a glare, making the gun in his hand more obvious, silently telling him to calm the fuck down before he got shot.

because the raven haired man was not here to deal with whatever grudge george had against them. his only goal was to find his son so if it meant locking dream and george in a room together until they sort their shit out, so be it.

"call down george. you having a temper tantrum is not getting you any answers. if you two," karl looked at george and dream one by one," can't stay civil then your brothers are the ones paying the price so if you want them back safely, you stop attacking him," karl said pointing from george to dream, "and you stop giving him a reason to." he finished, pointing from dream to george.

"it's a bit late for that." dream mumbled, discreetly rolling his eyes. but karl caught on.  he really didn't have the capacity to deal with their bullshit right now.

he left the blond's side and walked back over to sapnap. "dream, take him inside and explain to him as to how the kids are in this mess and please do yell if he tries killing you."

"and what are you going to do?" george huffed, annoyed at being bossed around in his own place.

"did you plan on leaving this on your wall forever?" sapnap pointed out. george's eyes widened slightly. oh right. the blood covered shirts pinned to his wall. he'd forgotten about that in his rage.


karl gave him a sarcastic smile. "right." he mirrored the brit's words.

george turned his head, huffing quietly before stalking off to his restaurant, not bothering to check if dream was following. he was too pissed and annoyed to care.

the blond however did follow, albeit a bit wearily, leaving behind the couple to deal with er, that mess.

karl shook his head and went back to face the wall, clutching onto sapnap's had tightly. his eyes began tearing up from the sight alone but he bit his cheek and blinked them away.

he was going to be strong. he had to be if he was going to find ranboo. and find him he would, at all costs.


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