part 20 ⊰⊹

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george clamped a hand over his mouth, stopping in his tracks.

it was like the whole world had stopped, freezing in time, just for a tense moment.

the old lovers made eye-contact.

and it hurt. so, so much.

the dark of the night and the bright illumination from the street lights created sinister shadows on their faces, twisting the uncomfortable knot forming in their stomachs, even further.

dream felt the physical pain of seeing george, as his mind shut down unable to think. the constant stabbing he felt at his old bullet wound felt like some sort of sick joke.

the air was suspended with silent tension as both men tried to comprehend that the other was indeed standing there, barely two feet before themselves. they stared with wide eyes, their mouths open slightly in disbelief.

they were in their own little world, just dream and george, as well as the eerie quiet around them, that crept into their very souls.

"who's dream?" ranboo asked, oblivious to the sudden change in mood.

and just like that, their bubble shattered, bringing them back to the reality of their situation. before either could respond, sapnap snapped into action, "boys go back inside." he said with a finality in his tone that dream was very much grateful for.

"what? dad what's going on-"

"now!" karl interjected, very much out of character. it frightened ranboo enough not to ask any further questions. he looked at his two friends and pulled them back inside, realising that this was private.

karl having the same thought, smiled at dream reassuringly and  dragged sapnap along with him, following behind the three boys to give the two stunned men privacy. he still kept an eye out though, in case things escalated any further.

"h-how are you here?" george breathed out, his breath growing steadily uneven as panic bloomed in his chest. george thought he was dead. for eight fucking years he'd convinced himself that the person he thought was the love of his life was dead. that he was the one who killed him.

"i've lived here for years georgie," dream replied in a very soft tone. he was slowly coming out of the immediate shock of seeing the brunet, his mind getting accustomed to the unexpected arrival.

"don't call me that." george's voice was tense and scared, his head shaking in denial that dream was here. he'd tried so hard to forget that part of his life, and after years he had finally got to a good place. and all that progress was going down the drain because of one man.

he hated him. he hated him so much.

"geor-" dream cut himself off. his heart was breaking into smaller pieces by the second. it was like that night all over again. dream desperately trying to reach out to tell george it wasn't him. he didn't do it.

to tell him would never betray george, because he loved him.

the blond stepped forward slightly, his hand reaching out to touch george's shoulder. the brit flinched back immediately, glaring at the blond with teary eyes.

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