part 18 ⊰⊹

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"how much did he take?" the pink haired man asked, a scowl taking over his face as he looked at the mess before him. ash and burnt plastic littered the floor, leaving a foul odour wafting through the warehouse.

"nothing as far as i saw sir. they just burnt everything." his worker said meekly, scared out of his wits.

"burnt it? he really thought he could just burn my hard work. who did this?!"

"i, uh don't know sir. his face was covered by this um mask and uh, he was blond? also um he had two guys with him." techno glared, unimpressed by the information.

"he just gave us some stupid nickname..."

technoblade raise his eyebrow at this.

"which is?" he asked cooly. his inferior shuddered. everyone who knew techno knew one thing. it's always better when he was yelling. it's when he was calm, he was the most angered. and anger always led to bloodshed.

"dream." he answered, his voice coming out in a whisper.

"dream? who is this 'dream'?" techno asked, the anger in his eyes burning holes into the man's soul. he gulped, very much scared for his life.

"we don't know sir..." he said, looking down at his feet. he knew he was done for now.

"what do you mean you don't know? it's your only job to know these things." the pink haired man spat, slamming his hand down on the burnt table. his worker flinched away from the sound.

"techno." a calm yet stern voice said from behind the pink haired man, a firm hand gripping his shoulder.

"sorry phil." techno sighed and calmed himself down. getting mad at some powerless worker wasn't going to help anyone.

"it's okay mate, we do have a theory on dream's identity."

technoblade turned to face the older blond, raising an eyebrow in curiousity.

"and that is...?" he questioned.

"remember that kid that got andrew in jail? from the club." phil stated in an attempt to jog his friends memory.

"right yeah i remember. but what does he got to do with this?" if techno recalled correctly, andrew had gotten arrested because three kids had called the cops after starting a fight with him. of course they bailed him out but still, it was an inconvenience. surely they weren't capable of doing something like this?

"well, they match the descriptions one blond and two brunet's."

"so you think the kid could be dream." techno was still a bit skeptical. he wasn't sure a bunch of teenagers could pull of something like this and get away with it.

"it's the best we have right now."

techno sighed.

a lead is a lead i guess.

"fine okay it's a start. let's go see what this guys deal is."


a bright red car sped through the quiet suburban street, earning a mix of curious and worried looks. it came to an abrupt halt, the loud screeching sound of the tires waking up the whole town.

tommy was out before the rest, looking for the very rude interruption that had distracted him from his work. he stepped out of the garage to see a group of people piling out of a red car that had stopped right outside their workshop.

what the f-

his eyes narrowed as his gaze landed on one guy in particular. he rushed forward and grabbed the man by his collar and slammed him into a nearby lamp post.

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