part 17 ⊰⊹

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the three men walked silently, making their way to the abandoned warehouse that once shipped jam bottles, now the centre for london's drug operation.

the two brunet's walked slightly behind the blond, sapnap and dream holding their guns whilst karl yielded his son's baseball bat like a weapon.

they quickly approached the dimly lit alleyway that led to the entrance of the old tin house. the three shared looks and nodded, coming to some sort of silent agreement.

karl was the first to take action, breaking away from the group to the cellar to find the electricity switch. meanwhile sapnap and dream worked their way through the locks on the giant shutter door, each taking one side. dream felt a weird sense of nostalgia at this. he couldn't remember the last time he did something even remotely illegal. and to say he missed the thrill of it all would be a severe understatement.

just as they break the last of the locks, karl returns, and right on cue all the lights go out, the whole place getting engulfed in a blanket of darkness.

he grinned and pulled out his bright white mask that glowed slightly in the dark. he clasped it behind his head and pulled his hood up, bringing out his old golden gun out to play.

"i think it's time we taught these bastards not to lay another finger on my brother." he spat coldly, his blood boiling from all the suppressed anger.

"i couldn't agree more."

they stepped forward and on the count of three, pulled the door open, the loud bang it made distracting the occupants of the warehouse.

everyone froze, staring at the three men in confusion. dream took this as his chance to take in his surroundings. there were atleast a dozen people in the room,scattered throughout either making, or packing some sort of white powder into little plastic bags.

"who the hell are you?" one of the braver ones yelled out, clearly not knowing how bad this situation really is for him.

dream smirked, not that anyone could see it, and brought his gun into full view, which earned a few gasps.

"i think the real question is, how fast can you run..."


out of the corner of his eye he spotted one of the workers inch towards karl with a metal rod raised. he rolled his eyes at the sight. did these bitches really think they could hurt someone else he loved. he raised his gun, not even looking at the man, as he shot, hitting him right above the knee.

he wasn't here to kill today, just severely maime.

he could see the guy who spoke up look at him in shock. rightfully so of course. it's not everyday one got to see the blond in action.

"i said, the real question is, how fucking fast can you run."

and run they did, only they were stupid enough to run towards the three men.

well this is going to be fun.

dream was quick to react to the enslaught. he spun his gun in his hand and lunged forward at one of the guys, using the butt of his gun to knock the guy out. he didn't worry too much about fully knocking then unconscious. he had karl behind him with his bat, ready to finish the job.

he pushed onward towards the centre of the room where a huge table stacked with bags of cocaine lay unprotected. that was his target.

however he was caught off guard when someone grabbed him from behind, pressing a knife to his throat, holding him in place. he squirmed, trying to escape the hold without harming himself, but he couldn't. everytime he moved, the knife pressed harder, the cold metal stinging against his bare skin.

and just as suddenly the hand dropped, the knife clattering on the floor as the person behind him fell to the ground with a thud.

he turned around to see sapnap standing there looking down at the guy with the same metal rod from before in his hand.

he nodded in thanks and looked around him. unconscious men and women lay all around him. the only conscious one that remained was the one he'd shot in the thigh earlier.

he smiled behind his mask, feeling weirdly good. atleast there was one person left to convey their message to 'the blade.' he scoffed at his own thought. the blade, what kind of gangster name was that? he internally rolled his eyes and step forward, walking towards the cowering man on the floor.

"hi there!" he said in a sickly sweet voice, the sloppy smile drawn on his mask adding to the effect.

"he's not agh, going to spare you." the man gasped out, clearly in a lot of pain. the blond grabbed the man by his chin, studying the dust caked on his face.

"you tell him, that dream says hi. and he's not very happy. got it?" he spat, letting go of the man's face harshly. the man nodded with a scowl, clearly unhappy, but knowing he had no other choice.


dream turned his back on the man and went over to the cocaine filled table where karl and sapnap were carrying out the second part of their plan.

they weren't just here to beat up a bunch of gang members of course. that would have been simply too boring.

dream stepped back and let the couple do their thing. meanwhile he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette pack. he picked one out at put the pack back in, sliding his mask up slightly and placing the rolled up cigarette between his teeth. he grabbed his lighter and flicked it on, the flame lighting up his mask in a sinister way.

his took a puff, smiling as the relaxing feeling took over his body. smoke poured out his nose and he coughed slightly, since he hadn't smoked for a while now. he missed it quite a lot. he took a few more swigs, enjoying the blissful calm that came over him.

"you ready dream?" karl asked, breaking the blond's trance. he smirked and pulled the cigarette out and fiddled with it between his fingers.

"oh yeah."

dream flicked the cigarette and it flew threw the air and landed in the pile of  cocaine that was now covered in extremely flammable gasoline. the whole room illuminated as the drugs burst into flames, bright yellows and oranges dancing around the warehouse walls, creating all sorts of shadows.

dream, sapnap and karl stood back and watched as the white substance burned, releasing toxic fumes into the air. the three turned around and walked away, not looking back once as the flames burned behind them, to with life.


arson pog. double update cause u smexy  bitches got me 3k reads. kisses for u *mwah* next chapter in like an hour.

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