part 26 ⊰⊹

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"can you all hear me okay?" karl's static voice said through their bluetooth devices. the three hummed in response, getting ready to leave the car and enter their destination.

"great. now listen. i will guide you through this, so as soon as you get in, pop the earbuds back in alright."

"yep." george responded on behalf of everyone.

"now before you go, we do have one problem. the cellar the kids are captured in is definitely locked. so you have to either find the key, or pick the lock, which is going to be extremely hard to do without drawing attention"

dream rolled his eyes. "karl you and i both know i've done that before."

the brunet sighed. "i'm aware dream. but it would be ideal to find the key."

"i think i can get sam to give it to us," quackity said helpfully.

george looked at him sceptically. "isn't that risky? what's the guarantee he would help us even?"

"trust me, he will."

"and why?" dream said in a sarcastic tone. trust me he said. pathetic. as if dream would ever trust quackity.

"let's just say, he owes me one."

dream opened his mouth to ask yet another question when karl cut him off.

"enough, guys. we don't have time to waste on this, i was just warning you. now get up and go find those poor kids. sapnap's already waiting at the back entrance."

"yes sir."

"good. i'll see you soon."

the men nodded. "bye karl."

the three disconnected the ear buds and put them in their pockets, so as to not raise suspicion before they even made it in.

dream was the first one out, followed closely by george and then quackity. the mexican silently took the lead, motioning for the other two to follow him as he led them to the front of the bar.

stood there was a painfully stereotypical bouncer. big, muscular guy standing tall, towering over everyone else. he even outdid dream by the slightest amount. overall, very intimidating to the three, except for the red fedora that sat atop the man's very bald head.

quackity had to resist the urge to laugh.

the three proceeded to join the small line at the entrance, waiting patiently for their turn. a couple more people had queued up behind them by the time they were at the front.

"member's cards?" the bouncer asked in a deep, gravely voice. to intimidate them, i suppose. quackity nodded, producing a black and gold card out of the wallet in his pocket. he held it up for the bouncer to see.

"cleared. you may go in. now you two, cards please." he said, looking at dream and george expectantly.

"oh they're with me." quackity informed the bouncer, who nodded, but was yet to let them through.

"right." the bouncer rolled his eyes. "it's only one guest per member."

what now.

that wasn't a part of the plan. all three of them needed to go in for this to work.

"what? since when?" quackity asked, voicing their collective confusion.

the bouncer huffed in annoyance. "look i don't know. but you can only take one of 'em in with ya. so pick one or leave. don't make my job harder than it needs to be."

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