part 14 ⊰⊹

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that's all that could be heard in the emergency room, as if the world itself was holding its breath for the dying blond.

meanwhile a smaller blond cried in the arms of his brother's best friends right outside. he yelled and punched and screamed as he was told the news.

"w-where's c-clay! i want clay!" he fussed stubbornly, his voice squeaky with hiccups. he clumsily wiped his eyes and nose, staring down the two men in front of him.

"he's inside tommy, the doctor's are helping him okay?" sapnap said softly, in an attempt to soothe the weeping boy before him. he clutched karl's hand tighter when he saw tommy's eyes well up with tears again.

"d-doct-tors? why is...w-why i..." his speech faltered. tommy looked up with pleading eyes, begging them to answer his unasked question.

"hey it's okay tommy. come here," karl let go of sapnap and  knelt down, opening up his arms, tears beginning to form in his eyes as well. tommy obliged obediently, stepping into karl's embrace with shaky breaths.

" h-he dead?" the little blond asked after a moment of silence. karl choked, unable to answer the very forward question. but he was saved the trouble, for sapnap knelt down as well, wrapping his arms around the two of them in a tight hug. he shook his head slowly, looking tommy in the eyes.

"he's strong tommy. don't you worry okay?"

tommy nodded slowly, sniffling away the last bit of his tears.



all he could see was the blinding white light above his head. he squinted at it, trying to recall where he was. was he dead?

am i going to heaven or something?

he laughed at his own thought. as if he of all people would be sent to heaven. so he wasn't dead, but where was he? the last thing he remembered was getting shot by-

george. oh my god, george!

his eyes flew open in a panic, immediately closing back up at the sheer amount of light. he rubbed his eyes and tried again, slowly sitting up and fluttering them open.

white walls, large glass window pane, and that smell. he looked down at himself as well to see so a thick bandage wrapped around his upper chest. he was also in hospital robes now.

"oh my god he's awake! sap wake up! dream's awake!"

the blond followed the voice to the side of the room where the creaky metal chairs that visitors used were kept. on them were karl and sapnap, with tommy sprawled across their laps, fast asleep.

a smile creeped onto the blond's face when he saw his baby brother, looking so innocent in his sleep. but it was wiped of immediately when he realised he'd have to tell tommy that their father had passed.

right. their father was dead.

and it was all his fault. he should've known better than to trust schlatt. why did he ever think that despicable man would ever care about what his son wanted. how could he have been so naïve?

or, so blinded by love.




dream zoned back in, breaking his chain of thought. he looked up in front of his bed, seeing karl and sapnap look at him with sad eyes and sympathetic smiles.

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