epilogue ⊰⊹

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it was a warm day. somewhat of bittersweet one. birds chirped in the trees, filling the air with sweet melodies. the sun shone timidly, hidden slightly behind the looming clouds. it was a nice day you could say. but more importantly, it was the day

karl looked at himself in the mirror, nervously adjusting his purple bow tie over and over again. he didn't know why he was so nervous in the first place. this wasn't a life changing event. they hadn't even invited many people to gathering. mhm, yeah just the whole fucking town, no big deal. so there was nothing for him to be worried about. all he had to do is go up there and say a few sentences and it'll all be over.

well, the few sentences he would say were perhaps his most emotional and personal, which is totally not terrifying at all. yep, he was fine, completely confident even and he would not make a fool of himself.

"i think you might need this more than me."

karl turned around, rolling his eyes at his blond friend, who's grin widened. dream held out his cigarette, offering karl a swing. the brunet shook his head, looking back in the mirror to fix up his hair on final time.

"so?" he asked finally, gesturing to himself.

dream chuckled lightly. "you look very ugly karl i'm sorry, i don't think sapnap's going to marry you now."

karl smiled, walking over to punch his friend lightly. he snatched the cigarette out of the blond's hand, throwing it onto the ground and stomping on it with a smirk.

"my wedding, my rules, and i just decided smoking was not allowed." he teased, smiling sweetly. dream laughed.

"okay fine, i deserved that one. well, now that you're all dressed up and cute for your big day, i think my services are required elsewhere. but fear not, i have a present for you" he paused for a second looking at his phone. he looked up at karl with a grin, counting down from three on his fingers. 

just as his last finger went down, the small, makeshift dressing room's door burst open, revealing a very hyper looking tommy.

"i was called?" he said in a very exaggerated accent.

"yes, indeed tomathy, you are required to keep karl here from choking on that stupid bow tie of his and just keep him some company yeah? i need you to distract him for the next 15 minutes until the ceremony so... i give you full permission," karl's eyes widened, his mouth gaping as he watched dream enjoy his tormenting, "to go fully ballistic." he ended, patting tommy on the shoulder, as he exited the room. laughing to himself as he heard tommy yell excitedly, asking out loud for tubbo to assist him.

dream skipped through the small wedding tent, walking past various tables and chairs marvelling at all the beautiful flower bouquets and little platters of food, courtesy of george, scattered around the place. 

a stupid smile formed on his face just at the thought of george.

maybe one day this could be them, he thought.

woah there, calm yourself dude. you still haven't had the guts to ask him out let alone marry him. 

he rolled his eyes internally. he didn't know how his younger self did it. just ask people out after barely knowing them for a day. well, people being george to be exact.

but he wasn't necessarily mad about the fact that he was yet to make a move. just because he'd fallen love with george all over again, doesn't mean the brit had. 

okay he wasn't that dumb either. he could tell george liked him. they really weren't very subtle about it. the prolonged stares and random touches definitely crossed the lines of platonic. he was not nearly as oblivious as people made him out to be.

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