part 5 ⊰⊹

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"is this where we'll have our first date?" the brit complained.

after the last week's 'incident' as he likes to call it, dream had wasted no time to ask out the brunet, seeing as his feelings were reciprocated. and in his own words, he wanted to 'take him some place special'. this was definitely not that.

"so you admit it's a date then?"

george rolled his eyes at the blond's immaturity but smiled nonetheless.

"who takes someone to a gym on their first date?" george crossed his hands over his chest, giving dream a pointed look.

"oh but georgie, i'm just looking out for you." his heart fluttered a little at the nickname.

"i mean, if someone ever tries to hurt you again, i may not be there, not that you needed me. your words were scary enough. but, i can't stop worrying about you." george scoffed.


"so-" dream said mirroring the brits words. "i'd like to teach you a few self-defence moves,you know. so you can kick their sorry asses."


that explains the gym, he thought. the idea was kind of cool, and george was flattered that dream was worried about him. those guys weren't even that bad, they never threatened him physically but it would still be good to know dream's so-called self-defence moves. for err, other purposes.

"so you're gonna make me exercise? gee thanks dream," he pouted not really mad.

"oh, c'mon george do it for me?" dream pouted, batting his eyelashes.

not the fucking puppy dog eyes.

"fine. but i don't have any uh, appropriate clothes," he pointed to his skinny jeans and black sweater. definitely not gym attire.

"who said you need any?" dream said with a wink.

"dream!!" the brit blushed red and hit the taller's shoulder. not very lightly mind you.

"ouch, i'm sorry i'm sorry it was a joke george," dream said through laughs.

"c'mon," he said after calming himself, "they sell activewear out front." dream grabbed george by the hand and lead him towards the main reception.


"are you ready?"

george nodded, "i'm ready."

now clad in a loose baby pink tank top and big grey shorts, george was stood in the boxing ring with dream, who had also changed into something more suitable.

the brit tried not to let his gaze stay on the blond's lean figure too much. he succeeded to an extent.

he looked the blond in the eye sand waited patiently.

dream took this as his cue and began showing george different types of punches and the proper technique to knock someone out.

he started by demonstrating, taking the proper stance and motioning for george to follow. he then moved his arm in a swinging motion, faking a punch for george to mimic.

george's attempt wasn't bad, but who was dream to let the chance to get real close to the brunet slide?

he stepped behind the brit, grabbing his wrist to guide his arm's movement. george flushed as he felt dream's breath fanning his neck. his whole body feeling hotter at their close proximity.

and so they went on for almost an hour. dream showing george new moves and the brit copying them almost perfectly. the blond was quite surprised- george had picked it up a lot faster than he'd anticipated. and he'd gotten decently good really really fast. he decided not to question it.

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