part 11 ⊰⊹

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hours went by, yet the stubborn brunet had not moved off dream's front porch. the blond watched in utter confusion as the sun set slowly, waiting for george to just give up. but he didn't.

he sat there stubbornly, twiddling his thumbs whilst staring at the setting sun as well. it frustrated dream if he was being honest.

here he was trying to forget about the beautiful brunet that absolutely crushed him, and there he was, the aforementioned brunet, adamant to be unforgotten.

and then there was the part of dream that wanted to do nothing more than run out there and take george in his arms. hearing george say that he liked him had made his stomach flip in the most bittersweet way imaginable. on the one hand, it was always euphoric hearing your crush tell you they like you back. on the other hand, he didn't even know if those words of confirmation were true.

he'd played him once, so what's to say he won't do it twice?

but the more dream thought about it, the less it made sense that george was lying. last time, he had something to gain, the gold. but right now? dream had absolutely nothing that george may want-


or he could be trying to finish his job. shit how did he not see it before? george had literally held him at gunpoint, just about to finish him off not long ago. what if schlatt didn't like that george let him live? what if he sent george back here to finish what he started? what if the brit was just waiting for an opportunity to shot him in the heart?

his conflicting emotions only heightened when he heard the gentle patter of rain. he looked outside once again, wondering if george had given up yet. to his surprise he hadn't. ugh fuck that guy. he was making it impossibly hard to hate him. why'd he have to be so persistent? did he really have to sit out there, even in the rain? was he really not going to leave until dream believed him?

dream ran a hand threw his hair in frustration, all these unanswered questions giving him a headache.

he knew for a fact he shouldn't feel bad about letting him stay out there in the pouring rain. if anything george deserved to be left outside after the shit he pulled. but seeing the boy shiver so much was making dream feel sad. he still wasn't ready to face him yet, but maybe giving him an umbrella won't hurt?

ugh, fuck you george. fuck you.

"bad?!" he yelled loudly, getting a faint noise of acknowledgement from down the hall. loud footsteps followed the sound, echoing through the quiet room.

"you called dream?" the blond nodded, and his inferior waited patiently for his orders.

but after getting no reply for a good few minutes, bad spoke up. "did you um, need something perhaps?"

dream snapped out of his daze and jumped slightly, but he regained his composure quickly and answered bad.

"yeah so um, you see that guy over there?" he pointed outside to the brunet sitting in the rain, and bad nodded, not recognising who it was.

"mhm, i noticed him sitting there earlier today as well? does he need something? why is he just sitting there?" bad asked curiously. it was peculiar after all, who would blame him?

"i-that's irrelevant. i just want you to go out there and give him an umbrella. i don't want to be liable if he freezes to death out there or something." he said, his tone sounding indifferent.

"oh sure thing, is that all?"

"yep. thank you bad."

"of course sir, i'm just doing my job." dream nodded and watched as bad went back inside, presumably to get an umbrella. whilst bad was gone, dream fumbled in his pockets for the bluetooth devices he carried, in case of emergencies. he was going to give bad one, because even he wasn't going outside, he still wanted to know what george's replies would be. he grabbed one of the ear pieces and put it in place and waited patiently for bad to return.

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