part 22 ⊰⊹

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!non-graphic torture!

tubbo woke up feeling weird. he couldn't put his finger on what exactly it was that was bothering him but it was there regardless. he slowly opened his eyes, expecting sunlight flooding his room like usual, but it was...dark? pitch black actually.

wait what? what was going on? where was he?

the more conscious his mind became, the more things he noticed. like the fact that he was moving, yet his feet were not touching the ground.

he blinked harshly a few times, getting his eyes to adjust to the darkness better. eventually he could vaguely see around him. he looked to his right carefully and saw a tall man walking alongside him, though he was carrying someone over his shoulder. someone so tall that their feet were dragging on the ground, very much unlike his.

wait is that ranboo? oh my god is someone carrying me too?!

he went completely limp when he heard a small groan beside him. he didn't want to alert his carrier that he was awake. but as he turned to his left , he was startled to see none other than tommy waking up slowly as well.

he was being carried by the same man, tubbo on his right shoulder and tommy on his left. the man had them gripped by the knees, their torso and heads hanging over his back.

tubbo carefully tapped on tommy's shoulder to wake him up and quickly clamped his hand over the blond's mouth when he did to muffle any sounds. he still didn't want to alert anyone of their consciousness.

after a few seconds of panicking tommy calmed down when he realised it was tubbo's hand covering his mouth, though he did push it off gently.

he looked at tubbo who held up a finger to his lips, motioning for tommy to stay silent. the blond nodded ever so slightly and looked around.

they were moving through a dark, dingy hallway, probably leading to a basement or cellar of some sort. the smell of stale wine wafted through the halls, making tommy's nose scrunch up in distaste

how did they get here? he tried to think about it and really focused on remembering. okay so uh he remembers clay and george having some sort of fight. yeah that happened, and then he's fairly sure he, ranboo and tubbo left and walked to that park. yeah they did, he remembered sitting on a bench even. okay so then what happened-

oh my god.

it was that man wasn't it.

tommy remembered seeing a blond man with longish hair walking towards them out of the corner of his eyes. he didn't think too much of it at the time since the man didn't really look...shady per se.

tommy turned his head to the up slowly. yep it's him. he could see the same blond locks hanging below the guy's ears.

woah what the heck. did i just get kidnapped? how the fuck did he take me so easily? surely i'd have kicked his arse? oh my god where's ranboo?!

tommy turned once again to face tubbo, who he caught staring a him curiously, as if waiting for him to make the realisation himself. tubbo smiled sympathetically. he could tell tommy was now aware of the dire situation they were in. tubbo gently reached out and patted the blond's shoulder.

tommy frowned. he wasn't done yet. "where's ranboo?" he mouthed, hoping tubbo understood. and luckily he did. the brunet used his hand and pointed to his right. tommy couldn't see that far but he assumed tubbo could see him.

"is he awake?" he mouthed. tubbo shook his head.

okay, he thought. that's fine, maybe ranboo was just taking a little longer to wake up. which meant that tommy needed to get them out of here just in time for that.

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