part 10 ⊰⊹

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"i loved you with all my heart, as simple as that. and unlike you, i don't stab the people i love in the back."

those words replayed in the brit's mind over and over again until he couldn't take it anymore. ignoring it hadn't worked, but acknowledging it? he couldn't think of anything worse.

why was he suddenly so affected by dream's words?

cause for the first time in your damn life someone genuinely loved you, without any other motivations behind it.

george cursed himself for thinking like that. that was the plan after all wasn't it? seduce dream enough to get him to trust him and find out their plans for the gold. and it played out perfectly, dream falling right into his trap.

but then why did he feel so guilty? and why now?

"don't be scared. i wont let go."

even after what he did, dream didn't let go. he could have very easily ended george right then and there, but he didn't. why?

"cause you did your job too well george."

george sighed and looked over at the mexican in front of him, frowning slightly at the response he got.

"i mean you chose to do this romantically you know? this could've worked even if you tried to gain his trust platonically." george wasn't liking where this was headed.

"i did it this way because it was faster quackity." he said sternly to erase any ideas the mexican maybe getting at. "and it worked out didn't it? father got his gold and everyone's happy."

quackity sighed. "are you?"

"of course-"

he cut himself off, pausing to actually think about it for a minute. if he was being honest with himself, he wasn't sure if he was happy or not.

of course he felt good when he brought the gold back to his father, but that high didn't last long at all, leaving him feeling weirdly...empty.

this wasn't even the worst thing he had done to someone. for fuck sake he'd killed someone at age 17 and felt no remorse. so why did he feel like this now?

so, no he wasn't exactly happy.

"actually, i think it's the other way around. I don't think you did your job well enough." george shot up at that, glaring daggers at the shorter man.

"what are you saying quackity?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"i'm saying, i don't think dream was the only one who fell in love." george scoffed.

"you have no clue about what you're saying okay? i didn't fucking 'fall in love' with him!" george mocked. "there's a difference between falling in love and feeling guilty for playing with someone's feelings like that."

"george this you we're talking about. when have you ever felt fucking guilty about literally anything you've ever done in your fucking life?!"

"i- you can't-" george faltered, unable to answer his questions truthfully. honestly, he'd never regretted the things he'd done, so he never felt guilty. but just remembering dream's heartbroken face was enough to make him feel sick to the stomach now.

"and not to mention how almost every single time you two were together you had your tongues down each other's throats."

"what?! how do you even know that?"

quackity laughed sarcastically. "did you really think we let you go out with dream unsupervised? what if he was pretending too huh? we couldn't exactly risk you getting hurt."

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