part 16 ⊰⊹

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the blond pulled up in the unfamiliar driveway, quite proud of how well the once mess of a car was working now. he stepped out if it triumphantly, walking over to the front door with a confident smile. he rang the doorbell and stood on the balls of his feet, waiting for someone to answer the door.

"hello!" he waved, to the brunet in front of him.

"oh tommy hi!" he smiled at the blond, coming out of his confused daze.

"i've fixed your car." tommy pulled out a set of keys and dangled them in front of the shorter.

tubbo's eyes widened in realisation and his face broke out into a grateful smile.

"oh great! thank you so much dude."

"just doin' my job." he tossed the keys over to tubbo, who caught it with a small giggle.

"are you sure you don't want me to pay you? fixing that piece of junk surely was not a cheap thing..."

"i know i know don't worry about it. i am extremely rich so." tommy joked, earning an eye roll from tubbo.

the two stood awkwardly at tubbo's doorway for a moment longer, before the brunet finally spoke up.

"alright then, uh bye tommy. um, thank you again. i really do appreciate it man."

"all good. um bye i guess." he brought two of his fingers up to his forehead and bid tubbo farewell with a quick salute.

tubbo watches as tommy turns around and walks down his front porch. he was about to close the door when he noticed that tommy was still standing there.

"what's wrong?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. tommy turned around at the sudden interruption.

"oh nothing i'm just waiting for ranboo to come pick me up." he explained, realising how weird it was for him to just stand on someone's porch without an explanation.


tubbo thought about what he could do in this situation. maybe he could try and have an actual conversation with the blond? after all, he was new to town and making a new friend was probably something he should try and do.

"do you wanna come in while you wait or something?" it's pretty cold out." he said casually, trying to hide his nerves. he didn't want to seem too eager or anything.

"oh no no it's okay. i'm fine here."

"oh, um okay uh..." tubbo tried to hide his disappointment. he was really hoping to make a friend today. but i guess not-

"actually, do you have coke?"

"what?!" tommy laughed at the mortified look tubbo gave him.

"the drink dumbass not the drug." he laughed through his response, clutching his stomach due to the never ending giggles he got after seeing tubbo's embarrassed face.

"i uh do actually."

tommy grinned, practically leaping up the small staircase to join tubbo at the doorway once again.

"say less."

tubbo chuckled at tommy's antics but let him in anyway, feeling exhilarated at the prospect of a new friend.

"so uh you like minecraft huh?" tommy said randomly, breaking the brunet's train of thought.

"what?" tubbo walked over to where tommy was stood, looking at what tommy was talking about. his mouthed formed an oh shape when he understood tommy's earlier question.

"eh, i just like the bees. they're adorable." he said, picking up the little minecraft bee plush that had somehow ended up on their mantle.

"so...tubbo like da bee?" tommy snickered at his own joke, his small chuckles turning into full blown laughter. tubbo was quite unsure of what they were laughing about, but seeing the other laugh was enough to crack him up as well.

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