part 13 ⊰⊹

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!death!gun violence!

soft notes of the piano filled the room, making the atmosphere eerily calm. loud footsteps echoed through the hallway, alerting schlatt of their guests' arrival. dream and wilbur walked together side by side, their body guard following close behind.

the blond wore a stupid smile despite himself. he couldn't help it, telling their parents was a big deal and it made their relationship real. dream liked real.

but his grin was quick to fade as he took in the tense atmosphere. something was wrong. really really wrong. he looked around him, and noticed the weirdly big number of men stationed across the large room. some dressed as butler's, dusting random objects while some dressed as body guards, standing at every exit he could see, including the one they just came through.

it made him feel surrounded and trapped. but he shook the feeling away. he'd trusted george this time, and he wasn't going to let his paranoia get between their relationship. besides, maybe it was always like this at george's house. maybe schlatt was the paranoid one after all.

they made their way to the middle of the room, where schlatt sat on a few sleek black leather couches, holding his signature glass of rum. they didn't stop walking until they were directly in front of the older man, waiting to be acknowledged.

"there you two are. i was beginning to think you weren't coming at all." he looked up at them slowly, sipping on his drink.

"we keep our word," dream said, eyeing schlatt with a little skepticism, "as long as you keep yours."

schlatt chuckled, swirling the drink in his hand slowly, "good...good."

they stood there in silence for a moment, unsure of what their next move should be. should they sit down as well? but schlatt hadn't invited them to, so do they not sit down? and what's up with all these butler's giving him weird looks-

dream's thoughts were cut off by wilbur, who had finally decided to break the awkward silence. "i've often seen and heard that years of friendship can turn into a relationship one day..."

the blond looked around the room when he heard sudden shuffling, his eyes narrowing to slits as he made eye contact with the pianist who had stopped playing. he only glared back at dream, intensifying the uneasy feeling that was bubbling in his mind.

"but schlatt, this is the first time i've seen an old enmity turn into a relationship."

dream noticed yet another guy, one of the butler's, shift around awkwardly, like he was trying to hide something he was holding.

"there's another way to end the enmity, wilbur." schlatt stood up abruptly, sneering evilly at the father and son. "one can always, kill the enemy..." dream felt wilbur tense beside him, hand instinctively going to his pocket, gripping his gun tightly.

"where's george?" he asked sternly.

he had to know if george was apart of this. he had to know, had to make sure that george hadn't just lied to his face all over again.

schlatt laughed darkly, quirking his eyebrow up at dream as if his question was highly amusing. "you see dream... george loves you a lot. i can tell." dream let out a relieved breath when he heard this, though it was barely noticeable. george wasn't in on this. he hadn't lied this time.

"so tell me dream," he spat, like the name was venom in his mouth. "how could i, as his father, let him watch you and your father die? that would traumatize the poor boy. you couldn't possibly think i'm that cruel now."

dream saw a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to his left immediately, pulling out his gun and shooting the butler who had finally pulled out the gun he was hiding from earlier, pointing it straight at wilbur. a second bullet pierced through the air, hitting its mark on the butler's stomach, effectively killing him.

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