part 25 ⊰⊹

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"are you going to kill me?" quackity asked, looking down at his feet.

he was standing outside the house he was just in, waiting for george to be done in the bathroom before he could be taken home.

though currently, he was not standing alone.

soon after george had gone further inside the house, the tall blond followed the shorter brunet out, taking his opportunity to confront the man. which brings us back the quackity's current dilema.

"i'm not here to kill you quackity. i don't do that anymore."

"but you want to." quackity rebutted.

dream sighed. "can you blame me?" he said, feeling a bit defeated. the initial anger he felt upon first recognising quackity had subsided. he was now beginning to see past all the red and what was left was just some guy.

well, a guy who helped destroy his life.

"i don't. trust me, no one hates me more for what i did than me." the mexican said in shame, hanging his head low.

"how can you be so sure?"

quackity looked up for the first time, slowly making eye contact with the blond. "you'd have killed me already, no matter how clean you are. but i'm still standing here talking to you so it must count for something."

"well if you're so sure, why don't you try to fix it." dream said harshly, resentment returning to his mind and voice. quackity visibly flinched.

it's not like he didn't want to fix things. he was extremely aware of the fact that his word alone could help fix whatever broken shred of a relationship dream and george had. after all it was his words that caused george to hate dream in the first place.

but how was he supposed to do that? just casually bring it up in conversation? that's just ridiculous. and the longer he waited, the easier it was for him to just ignore the guilt and move on with his life.

but now being here, seeing this couple that once couldn't get enough of each other treat one another with so much hostility was really getting to him.

"i want to, really, but how could i? i'm one of the last people he trusts and you expect me to go tell him that his life was a lie? how is that supposed to make him feel."

dream scoffed, laughing dryly. "please,  if this was about how george would feel you'd have seen how much he was hurting and told him by now. but no, this is about you being too much of a pussy to tell him the truth. because you and i both know he's going to resent you for the rest of his life."

quackity stood silently, eyes widening at dream's accusations.

"what do you mean- of course i'm scared he's gonna hate me. i've known him far longer than you have and i know him, much better than you. so i know what could break him, and this, this would destroy him. how do you not fucking see that?" the mexican said, a lot louder than he had intended. loud enough to attract the attention of the brit who was just about to exit the front door.

george raised his eyebrows and stopped in his tracks, hand dropping from the doorknob as he pressed his ear closer to the door.

"if you knew him, like you claim you do, you'd know that he meant everything to me. i fucking put aside the fact that he was literally my enemy's son cause i loved him so much. and i know he loved me the same. but you," dream pointed his finger at the shorter, " you took that away from us with one fucking lie." he spat.

"so if you still think that's what's best for him, then go ahead, don't fucking tell george."

"don't tell me what?" a third voice interrupted, causing the other two to jump.

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