part 6 ⊰⊹

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"niki, you say?"

dream nodded, tapping his foot impatiently. he watched as karl typed away, waiting for the information he was looking for.

"is this the same person?"

karl turned the computer around, facing the screen towards dream in a swift motion. on the screen was a picture of a woman with pink hair and round glasses, accompanied by her name and some other information about her.

"yep, that's the one."

"alright well uh, we know who's behind the attack then," karl paused, swiveling in his chair to turn towards the tall blond.

"she works for schlatt, dream. they're onto you."

dream ran a hand through his hair, thoroughly annoyed. he expected this, especially after he managed to steal millions worth of gold from that old man. but what worried him more was that they knew of george now.

and that was very, very bad.

he didn't want to put george's life at risk. and he knew his enemies were more than okay with sacrificing innocent lives to get to him.

they'd already taken his family and he'd be damned if he let it happen again.

"you need to be more careful dream. you pursuing that guy may put you both in danger. especially since you let someone follow you without even realising."

"hey no okay. it's not like that," dream sighed, calming down before he got riled up at karl's comment.

"look, i maybe a little, uh distracted but i'm still careful. i would've known if someone was following us. or do you think i'm that careless?"

karl shook his head. he knew dream was careful. but how else would the attackers have known where to be?


"you don't think...?" dream asked, as if reading his mind.

"i'm not sure. it's a possibility. but let's weigh out options before we jump to conclusions."

"karl what options!" dream threw his hands up in the air in frustration.

"either you're insinuating that i'm incompetent, or we have a fucking mole."

dream slammed his hand down on the desk, causing karl to jump in surprise and the sudden outburst.

"jesus dream, calm down okay? i'm not insinuating anything. i was just-" karl sighed, "okay... so we may have a snitch. but who could've known that you were going there?"

dream sat down on the chair beside karl and took a deep breath. he felt bad for lashing out on karl, but his frustration was getting the better of him. this was a bit risky, and he needed to think through the next move.

he replayed the previous day in his head, recounting who he'd told about where he was going.

"i told two people in total," he concluded after a few minutes of thought.

"george and wilbur? " karl guessed. dream shook his head.

"i didn't tell george, it was sort of a surprise." karl nodded in understanding and waited for dream's reply.

"karl, the only people who knew i was taking george to the gym were dad and... sapnap."

the tension in the air increased tenfold as the silence ensued. karl's eyes widened as he realised what that meant.

"there's no way! surely you don't think that... right?"

dream shook his head. sapnap was his bestfriend. he was someone he loved like a brother. he trusted the black haired man with his life, so he didn't believe sapnap would ever betray them.

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