part 9 ⊰⊹

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wilbur winced at the sight of his broken son.

physically speaking, he was fine, just a minor concussion at most, but emotionally, he was far from 'fine'. he'd been awfully quiet, keeping to himself most of the time. wilbur could see the heartbroken mess he was.

karl had filled him in on the events of the other day, and to say wilbur was furious was an understatement. he himself wasn't below tricking his enemies to get what he wanted, but this was a whole other level of low. tricking his son into falling in love just to get some information? what kind of monster thought of things like that?

love isn't something to play around with. especially when it was his son's heart at stake.

"i won't spare that piece of shit now." the older man snarled, placing his hand on the blond's shoulder.

"no dad." dream looked up to his father with blank eyes.

"you won't do anything" he stated, gripping onto his father hand on his shoulder.

"i'm the one who fell for their trap."

"clay, this wasn't your fault. those bastards! they tricked all of us. and i can't just sit here and watch you like this." wilbur's voice broke towards the end. it really did pain him to see his boy so, not himself.

the blond gave his father's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"i'll do what needs to be done dad. don't worry about me."


"please dad." dream cut him off, wanting to end the conversation.

"i want to see him. one last time."


"hello?" george answered his ringing phone not really paying attention as he drove.

"stop the car george." his body tensed as the familiar voice spoke into his ear. it caught george completely off guard. he turned to look both ways and finally behind him. and there he was. in his freshly repaired lime green car, holding the phone to his ear with a scowl on his face.

george immediately dropped the phone and stepped down on the gas, rushing to get away from dream. but the blond was determined. he drove faster as well, hot on george's tail. he finally gained some ground on the brunet and drove beside him, their cars moving forward in a horizontal line.

"george, stop the car!" he yelled across to the brunet. george drove faster, completely ignoring him.

"c'mon stop the car george."

the road narrowed a few feet a ahead of them where a roundabout stood. george took his chance and raced forward, going around the roundabout and taking a sharp u-turn. dream cursed and fell behind him, following his path towards a cobblestone bridge.

george didn't think once before he speed off the bridge onto the cliffside. his eyes fell on the rearview mirror and shuddered when he saw dream make eye contact from behind him. he so desperately wanted to go faster and get away from the blond but that would only result in him driving off the cliff. so he kept at his speed, getting more and more nervous as they neared the end of the dirt road.

by now dream had caught up to him. once again they were driving side by side. this time however, it was a lot tighter. there was barely enough space for both cars to drive simultaneously. and george took advantage of this and pushed the car slightly towards his right, effectively knocking dream's car slightly off the edge, buying himself some time.

the bright sun burned into his neck, sweaty palms clutching the steering wheel as he got further away from dream. he looked back to check if dream was still on his trail and was shocked to see him not far behind him.

that was his mistake. when he turned back around to face forward, he saw the pedestrian he was about to collide with. in a panic he swerved to the right, just narrowly missing the young lady.

but it didn't end there. his eyes widened when he saw the large caution sign in front of him, indicating that the road ended there.

he stepped on the brakes urgently trying to stop the car in time. and dream saw this. the blond also stepped on the brakes, for he knew if he kept speeding he would likely have pushed george off the edge.

unfortunately, his car didn't stop in time. it had slowed down significantly, but it still collided with the brit's car with great force. weirdly it didn't knock him off, no it instead pushed him towards the left, locking the two vehicles in a weird dance as the spun in a circle together.

time seemed to have slowed as george made eye contact with dream. all he could see in the blond's eyes was rage, making him shudder. not long ago those eyes showed nothing but joy when he was around him. and now they glared at him with such a passion.

his train of thought broke when he felt the front tire of his car hit a boulder. his heart dropped. his whole car lurched forward suddenly, the front half hanging off the cliff. his eyes widened even more, tears starting to form when he realised how close he was to completely falling off right this moment.

to his horror, the driver's door opened suddenly, catching him off guard and sending him falling down. he shut his eyes tightly. this was the end for him. he braced himself for the impact, knowing fully that he wouldn't survive, but it never came.

instead, he felt a sweaty palm clutching desperately onto his own, holding onto him for dear life. his eyes fluttered open to see a mop of blond hair. his body tensed once again.

was this a ploy? is he going to drop me? is this his way of revenge?

as if reading his mind, dream's tightened his hold in the brunet's hand.

"don't be scared. i won't let go."

"i loved you with all my heart, as simple as that. and unlike you, i don't stab the people i love in the back."

george couldn't help but stare in disbelief as the blond pulled him up off the edge and into the backseat of the car. dream sat in silence, eyes closed, breath heavy as he leaned their foreheads together, brushing his finger over george's cheeks.

the brunet sat speechless, relaxing into the blond's embrace, placing his hands on the blond's neck as he tried to calm himself down. dream pulled away slightly, holding george's facing in his hands, making eye contact as he spoke softly.

"george...don't ever show me your face again...i will kill you."

he leaned their foreheads together once again, letting the brit process his harsh words. and after a moment, he shoved the brunet away angrily, leaping out of george's car. without a moment's hesitation, he jumped into the driver's seat and drove away, not looking back once.

george could only stare unblinking, dust swirling around him as he felt his heart pang. he felt odd watching dream go. something he hadn't expected. and certainly something he was afraid to acknowledge.

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