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"I never thought this day would come. With my last day left to live, I found him. He manipulated them, lied to them, and hurt them. He will be no more."

Dark was ready. Today was his last day to live and for years he had been hunting the one person that ruined his life; that on that one stormy night, his life was taken away along with some of his other friends. They were no longer the same. But today was the day he would finally get his revenge.

Dark was unlike any human being, heck he wasn't even sure if he was human anymore from everything that happened to him. But it didn't matter today. He would be gone after all. Just as the others had gone, he didn't think he would be the last one.

"Well Wil, I will be with you soon. At least I'll have you.." he missed his friend very much. They weren't that close originally, but he grew on the pink mustached fellow after the last couple of years and were great friends. Of course, this wasn't the reason for Dark's revenge, and decided to plan out how this would go.

He thought about what he would actually do when he caught up with him; maybe torture him, maybe killing all his friends, no Dark wasn't that brutal. Some long thought was put into his plan before he knew what to do. He smirked and headed out to the place he knew best and invited a "friend" over.


Mark was enjoying a quiet day to himself. Amy was gone, taking the dogs for an annual checkup and cleaning, and Mark just took a break from making videos. As he was relaxing on the couch, the doorbell rang. He groaned, sighing as it was probably the mail at this time.

"Probably something important I guess.." After opening the door, he saw nothing besides a fancy envelope with his name or username written in cursive. Mark was intrigued so he picked it up and went back in his humble abode.

"Now isn't this fancy? Who would bring this to me at this time? I'm not going to Hogwarts, but this looks like an invitation to something special." On the back was a pressed stamp with a capital "M". He thought it was strange but looked vaguely familiar though he couldn't remember. He opened it up and unfolded the letter. His eyes started to dart across the paper before he told himself he would read this out loud to himself in the most exquisite voice he could.

"Dear Mr. Markiplier, I am honored to bestow you this invitation for a gathering to meet..." he was giggling to himself until he got down to the location of where to meet.

"Markiplier Manor.... signed, A Friend." He was stunned. He spent at least 10 minutes deciphering what he just read and who it could possibly be from. With a heavy sigh, Mark made plans to go to the very place where it all started.


The house was still standing, falling apart but mostly intact. It surprised him that after so many years it was still alive.

"I never thought I would see you again. So many memories locked away. And I still can't believe I used to own this place..." Mark wondered what would happen if he didn't give up his life to be a YouTube star. He would have so much money that he could still give it up to people who needed it most. Heck, he probably would still do YouTube but at an elevated level now!

Nevertheless, he knocked on the door. There was no answer which didn't surprise him, so he tried opening the door which wasn't opening. Using all his strength, he slammed into the door which finally opened. Though it looked new, the wooden door had smashed into many pieces and landed just as Mark did.

"Ugh... what-" Mark immediately had flashbacks to that night. It was supposed to be a friendly game of poker and it turned into literal Hell, even for himself. If he could apologize to everyone there, he would. But he only remembered the woman he first loved; not her name, but what she looked like. He decided he would do that tomorrow, but there would not be a tomorrow for him.

He wandered through the house calling if anyone was there. Of course, nobody answered so he simply looked around. At this point he checked most of the house, feeling like his "friend" was a no-show until he found a cane on a short desk. A large mirror was in front of it.

"I feel like... I've seen this before." Mark looked down at the cane and picked it up. He pretended to act like an old man, then a rich man, and then an old rich man. He chuckled aloud before hearing a voice. It was dark, deep, and crisp.

"Same snake, different skin."

"Who's there?! Whoever you are-" The voice chuckled a bit.

"Don't kid yourself, Mark. You know who I am." Dark appeared before him, instead of Mark's own reflection. He didn't have the cane in his hand instead he just stood there, watching him... menacingly.

"Darkiplier? No, wait... I... the fans made you up!"

"Haha. Do you really think you could poison your own fans with lies like that? I know you were a great liar before, but now it seems like you're running out of ideas."

"Shut the hell up and tell me why you're here!"

"Didn't you get my invitation? I remember getting yours. Ah, those days were fun. You died, took my body, and turned my best friend for years into a living and breathing maniac!!"

Dark's voice boomed louder and angrier as he talked. Then he stopped and calmed down.

"I'm simply returning you the favor. Your invitation was an invitation to death. And so is mine."

Dark reached out of the mirror, grabbing Mark by the shirt, and pulled him into the mirror with him. Mark tried pulling back but found he was in the same location. He laughed and pointed to Dark.

"Ha! You thought you could kill me? Why don't you try it again?"

"I already have."

Mark thought it was a bad joke and was about to punch the mirror but found out it wasn't glass on his side. He tried again but it felt like plastic to him. He was trapped in the mirror and Dark was now on the other side.

"Wait.. wait Dark, please!!! Whatever I did, I'm sorry!! Damien!"

"Do not EVER call me that name again!!"

"Dark, please. I'll do anything but please don't kill me!!"

"Mark I'm not going to kill you. I'm just gonna give you the same torture I got all those years ago. Enjoy your new life, Mark."

Dark then smashed the mirror for good, Mark's screams and anger filling the void. Dark calmly walked out of the mansion before going to Mark's house and made a final video for his channel. It would be the last fulfilling thing Dark would make for the world before disappearing with no word from again.

Today was a good day.

Mark, Jack, and Egos X Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now