The King (Anti x Wooshu)

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"Make way for the king!" All the fellow demon citizens stepped away, making room for the king of the underworld to move forward. In the underworld, all anyone ever wore were rags unless they were royalty, which then they were allowed clothing from the mortal world, armor, or the clothing they offered.

"Move it, bitch," growled a troll. The female demon hissed at him as she was pulled away by her alien friend, who was part demon by the way.

"Don't worry about him Woosh. He's one of those demons who think we don't have a right in this world."

"Well, we're the ones who create other demons. He shouldn't be such a jerk."

"And I agree, but for now, let's worry about the king. There he is!" Wooshu looked to see him standing there in all his glory. Black clothing was covering him and atop his head was the famous crown of bones. He also wore a bloodied cape around him. He didn't look like a king of the mortal world, but he was royal enough. His hair was a deep shade of green and his eyes were blue that occasionally turned to green at times. Wooshu admired the king a lot, even though it was very rare to see him.

"Greetings fellow underworld citizens!" He voice was glitchy but that didn't matter. Loud roars and cheers were praised upon him. Wooshu softly clapped while smiling. He bowed a few times before standing before his people. He slightly turned his head before his grin turned into a mesmerized stare; he was looking straight at Wooshu. As she noticed, she poked Peebles in the arm and began to whisper to her while taking her eyes off the king.

"He's looking at me Peebs... What do I do?"

"Be polite! He's the ruler of this land after all.." Peebles smiled and waved gently. Wooshu looked up, gulped and smiled as she also waved. The king was about to step forward before some of the guards told him to move forward. He looked back at Wooshu one more time before he was guided up to his palace, which really only looked like a mansion. As most of the demons began to leave, Wooshu kept one question in her mind,

"Why did the king look at me over all the demons?"

~time skip~

"Please, we don't know about-"

"I DON'T FUCKING CARE!! I WANT HER HERE IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS OR YOU'RE HEAD IS GONE BUDDY!!!" The guard nodded quickly, seeming scared, and hurried away with another, leaving the green haired highness to himself. Besides his friend, who visited from the mortal world every now and then, King Anti was alone and desperate for someone. He didn't care if it was a lover or a friend, he just needed someone to be with him 24/7.

While he waited, Anti looked through one of the wide-open windows that gave a glorious view of the land he claimed. Although dark and horrific looking, Anti called it home; a beautiful glistening nightmare he was created into. Several hours after he enjoyed the view, he heard some screaming and hollering from the guards.

"Sir! We have the girl! We have found her for your delights!" Smirking, Anti yelled for them to come in and he saw the beautiful girl he saw only but a day ago. The tension in his heart released as he felt calmer. She had eyes as black as night and caramel hair. He hopped down from his throne and approached the girl. She quickly bowed before him.

"Stand up." She listened to his words as she stood up straight. Anti looked her up and down a few times and circled her, viewing every inch of her.

"What's your name miss?"

"My name is Wooshu, your highness." He nodded while continuing to look at her. He finally faced her and smiled as he took her hand.

"King Anti, but you may call me Anti sweety." He placed a loving kiss and let go of her hand. Wooshu blushed and giggled a little bit. He bowed to her.

"My dearest Wooshu, I humbly ask if you stay here with me in my palace. We will be together forever." Wooshu was stunned as well as amazed that this happened. She smiled as she said,

"I would love to Anti." Anti returned the smile and hugged her.

"We shall rule the underworld together. And we will live happily ever after."

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