Love Yourself (Markiplier x Ichiban)

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It was the dawn of the third day for Mark and he practically had Ichiban in the bag. Through everything the pink tiger said, Mark would comment "that's what I always say!" At long last, Mark finally kissed the tiger into a man-imal; at least more man than animal. He saw the transformation and looked surprised even though he knew what was coming.

"Aw fuck. That's me." Ichiban looked very much like him; maybe not him at the moment, but a past version of himself. He wore glasses, had some strong muscles, and colored hair Mark had a few years ago. All these wonderful traits, including his incredible height of six feet, made Mark jealous. Everything Ichiban had - if not including the 24 million fans - he wanted just as much.

"I... can't be jealous. It's just a character someone created either to spite me, or to make fun of me. And in the best case scenario, to get myself recognized. Still without my permission?!" He yelled with anger and gratification for another few minutes before he calmed down.

"In the end, this is all a video game. Ichiban is not real... at all." As Mark said those exact words, the game became frozen. He was a little frustrated as he pushed random buttons trying to set it free. Instead, Ichiban blinked and began to move around.

"Hey!" He tapped on the screen, wiggling his ears and tail.

"I am too real. Maybe it's you who isn't." As if by magic, the tiger-man hybrid popped his head out of the screen. Mark could not believe such an impossible thing was actually happening. While he backed away trying to phone a friend, Ichiban stumbled out of the screen.

"Huh.. well I guess you are real. Well, hello there! My name is Ichiban and... what exactly are you doing?" Mark was literally pulling up his office chair. He wouldn't admit he was scared.


Ichiban blinked and took one step forward. Mark angrily and aggressively threw the chair. It did not got Ichiban, because Mark missed. He had nothing to arm himself so he put up his fists.

"You think you're me don't ya? Well there can only be one!" The man chuckled at Mark's rage. Mark became more upset each time Ichiban spewed out a laugh.

"Listen, I know why you're mad. You're jealous of me." Mark froze, but kept his angry face.

"It's not intentional. I did not choose to look like you. But let's just say... I admire you. A lot." Biting his lip, Mark grew a little pink in the face.

"Actually..." He went up to him calmly, not afraid of he would be punched or thrown around by the other.

"I think I like you~" With that small whisper into his ear, Mark felt his face go hot both inside and out. His insides tingles a bit and it seemed that the butterflies in his stomach were flapping harder than they already were.

Ichiban smirked as he gently rubbed Mark's shoulders, easing the tension he had. It was useless to keep trying to fight back. Sliding his hands down to Mark's waist he whispered, "It's okay to love yourself~"

Mark felt some wet lips touch his own and even though it was bizarre to have another man - especially a video game character - kiss him, Mark enjoyed it. Slowly as the kiss became deeper it became clear to Mark that he liked Ichiban. His lips curved around the other pair and he kissed him back. Sparkles and bubbles appeared and Ichiban was back to his normal self.

When the two pulled away, Ichiban had dipped Mark down to kiss him. Obviously Mark was flustered. Ichiban kissed his cheek, pulled him in his lap, and the two played dating games for the rest of the night.

Mark got up to get ready for bed before Ichiban stopped him.

"Wait right here. I might have a surprise for you." Immediately he left Mark alone for some time before shouting,

"I'm ready!" Mark wondered what he was doing as he got his bedroom. Opening the door he found a half naked Ichiban laying on his bed. Mark blushed. It would be a night he would never forget.

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