Too Cool 4 You (Bingiplier X Reader)

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After Y/N got Google IRL, that was about to kill her, she sent it back and ordered a new AI unit that Bing had made. After reading several reviews about the AI being better than Google, she had to order one.

Her package was supposed to arrive today, so she did her chores to pass the time. Before long a knock was heard and Y/N sprinted to the door. There, a man was holding a black box with the "Bing" symbol on top.

"Signature please," he stated, handing over a clipboard. It was literally a blank sheet of paper with a line on the bottom. She shrugged and signed her name. The man took the clipboard while handing her the box and tipping his cap as if to say "farewell". She took the box inside and made sure to set it on the ground. Instantly, the AI sprung from the box, clumsily landing on the floor instead of standing on the floor like Google did.

"Ugh... that was not cool," he said as he stood up. He went back to the box, taking out his sunglasses and board. He swished his hair as he put his glasses on and set his board next to him. Y/N just watched the male do his thing, trying to get an understanding of who he was. He was nothing like Google, that was for sure.

"Uh, hi. I'm Y/N."

"Cool name. Call me Bing." She nodded as he viewed his outfit. He noticed her looking at him and posed.

"Radical, am I right?" He flexed, only to make Y/N giggle. Bing swished his hair to the side, crossing his arms to seem cool.

"So, you're Bing? As in the browser?"

"That's me, yeah." Y/N eyed him and slightly smirked.

"And you think you're so cool?"

"Yep!" She chuckled, not believing he was cool.

"Do you not believe me? I'll show you." Bing kicked off his shoes and picked up his board as he headed into the kitchen. He got up on the kitchen table with the board. Y/N watched as Bing put his hands on the board and did a handstand. Not being able to even balance on a balancing beam, Y/N was impressed.

"Well Bing, you really know your stuff." He got off the table and kissed her on the cheek.

"I know," he replied leaving Y/N blushing all day.

Mark, Jack, and Egos X Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now