Check Mate (Unus Annus)

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White and Black. Yin and Yang. Life and Death.

On the far Northern side of the land lived the Black Kingdom ruled by King Nestor. Black usually was associated with death, deception, loneliness, and evil. King Nestor was the exact opposite. Instead of death, he made sure everyone was living in the kingdom and was a sweetheart to everyone.

On the far Southern side of the land lived the White Kingdom ruled by King Fischbach. Where white usually had an association with life, happiness, and fulfillment, King Fischbach was foul and executed anyone who did something he didn't like whether it was big or small.

These two kingdoms never made contact with each other. King Nestor tried sending letters to the white kingdom and all he got was nothing in return. King Fischbach didn't care... until the time came.

King Fischbach wanted all the land to himself so he prepared his knights and pawns for battle. He also made sure his queen was armored as well. Everyone would dedicate their life to being the owner of all the land. While the White Kingdom was preparing, King Nestor knew what was about to happen so he called in his bishop.

"Come here Spencer. I am quite troubled for the White Kingdom will try to conquer us to own the land." Spencer just barked in response.

"I know. Hmm... well, we must go into battle for that to work. Come now, let's prepare everyone." Around 12 hours later, both kingdoms were ready. King Fischbach led his people who were willing to fight many miles away to the Black Kingdom. King Fischbach stopped at the oddly opened gates. He sniffed the air, smelling nothing but coldness.

"Be on the lookout! I don't trust this one instant." He took his people inside the Black Kingdom, looking for anyone to fight. Meanwhile, King Nestor gathered his rook and his queen's rook along with his pawns to create a distraction.

"Now go. We'll take care of the rest." The pawns and rooks took off, being absolutely annoying and preposterous for the White Kingdom. They were quick and got out of the way of the swords swinging straight for their throats. Some did gymnastics moves which seemed impossible.

"Only the jester should act in such a way!" King Fischbach was furious. Leaving his people behind, he ran to the castle, getting past the two bishops who were actually chasing the white bishops.

"Good girl Chica! Lead them astray! Lead them astray!" He climbed up a set of stairs until he was standing in front of the queen.

"Halt King Fischbach!" The two fought with swords, he winning the battle.

"Now, where is your king?"

"Right here." King Fischbach turned around to see King Nestor with his sword at the ready. He also put up his sword and made the first move, clinging their swords together. They continued to fight. King Fischbach had a move ready, but King Nestor caught on and back flipped, pushing his opponent to the ground. His sword was at his throat, and the other was several feet away. King Fischbach was stunned and looked at King Nestor with open eyes.

"Any last words King Fischbach?" He closed his eyes for a moment, thinking about what to say. Then he opened them.

"Unus Annus."

Mark, Jack, and Egos X Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now