Teasing the Teacher (Teacher!Mark x Student!Dark)

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"Well, that wraps it up for the lesson. Class is dismissed. Remember that I expect that packet to be completed by Monday." The class all vanished from the class as Mark sat down in his seat. He sighed, eager to leave at 4:00 and spend the weekend with Chica. As he was daydreaming, the door opened, revealing an older student. He had dark skin, hair similar to Mark's and wore an outfit like a greaser of the '50s except his shirt was read with a black "D" in the center.

"Dark, what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see my favorite teacher, Mr. Fischbach." He smirked as he threw his backpack on a desk towards the front. Mark folded his hands on his desk and sighed.

"Shouldn't you be causing trouble like always?" Dark only chuckled. He walked up and hopped on Mark's desk.

"Dark, get off of my desk."

"Oh, what will you do sir? Or should I say, Mark~." Mark's face flushed a bit as he stood up, adjusting his tie. Dark suddenly pushed him down in his seat and sat in his lap, straddling him, making Mark uncomfortable.

"Get off or-"

"Or what? You and every other teacher know that I can get my way." He leaned forward, taking off Mark's coat and tie, unbuttoning the first few buttons of his dress shirt. Mark squirmed around, unable to get away. Dark kissed the little bit of chest that was exposed. Mark felt his face heat up. Pulling the collar of his shirt, Dark kissed Mark. Mark couldn't move much so he had to kiss back. As Dark almost bit his lip, Mark quickly pushed him back. Dark smirked as he licked his lips and got off the teacher.

"Glad you could cooperate sir~." He grabbed his backpack and headed out of the classroom, leaving Mark a bit stunned but relieved as well. As he stood up, Dark popped his head in the classroom again.

"I hope you don't mind, but I missed the bus. Maybe you could drive me?" He smirked as mark sighed in defeat. This was going to be a crazy drive.

Mark, Jack, and Egos X Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now