Y/N and the Ink Machine (Shawn Flynn X Reader)

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"Just one more minute," Y/N said as they glanced at their pocket watch. Y/N had been waiting for their boss, Shawn Flynn, to return with more paperwork regarding the new ink disease infection outrage. It was a lot to handle.

"Sorry I'm late. That creature, Bendy or whoever, was chasing me with his ink. He was crying or so it looked like." He had a giant stack of papers in his hands and piled them up on Y/N's desk.

"My entire room is full of ink. I hope you don't mind me staying you. Or.. I could sleep on the floor. It's fine either way." Y/N had no problem with their boss staying with them for awhile. Bendy did frighten them after all and the worst thing they thought of was being drowned in ink.

"It's no problem boss." Shawn cocked his head.

"How many times do I have to say it. My name is Shawn, not Boss." They both chuckled while filling out paperwork.

It wasn't until midnight that they finished and were yawning, ready for a few hours of sleep. Shawn asked whether if he should take the bed or not but Y/N just said they could both sleep there. As Shawn got on the left side of the bed and Y/N on the right, Shawn kissed Y/N's forehead.

"Goodnight." After saying that, he fell asleep. Y/N was blushing as they laid down beside Shawn.

"Goodnight... Shawn."

Mark, Jack, and Egos X Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now