Detrimental Delights (Inktober Day 4)

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*Slight blood and vomit warning at the end!*

Mark didn't really like Halloween. The only thing that he liked about it was the candy and that he could dress up Henry and Chica in cute costumes. Otherwise, it was another day, and a night of a scary game stream.

"Amy? Did we get any candy corn?"

"No Mark. Why? Did you want some?"

"Nah. Candy corn shouldn't even be a thing. Corn that's candy? Hah!" Amy chuckled with him.

"It is kind of silly." She left the room so Mark was alone to carry on with his stream. Every year, it was a stream with many scary games Mark played. His fans called it a tradition. Mark was setting up his stream until he heard a knock on the door.

"Amy? Can you get that?" He paid too much attention to his bright screen to even get to the doir himself. He was closer anyway. Another louder knock was heard.


Mark grudged in defeat and slowly got up, going to the door. He expected trick or treaters, maybe even fans. Instead he got a hooded figure standing slightly taller than him.

"Who the hell are you?" The figure said nothing which made Mark uneasy.

"Uh.. you trick or treating, or-?" Again, silence. Mark slowly closed the door before it was stopped by a black shoe. He opened it again, ready to tell the figure to shoo. However, Mark was introduced to a handful of candy. It wasn't any traditional Reese's or Milky Way's. The candy was of different shapes and wrapped in pretty wrapping. It was almost too good to be true!

"Is this for me?" The figure nodded slowly. He took Mark's hand and poured the candy into his palm. Mark looked at the colors in awe and was about to say "thank you" until he saw no one there. He blinked, making sure he wasn't just seeing things, then closed the door. Running back to his computer he started the stream as normal. He told his subscribers about the candy and even showed them through the camera.

"It looks so good. It looks so delectable, so delightful. So juicy. It just looks so good!" He took a ball with a gold wrapper and unwrapped it. The candy looked like a chocolate truffle. With a pop in his mouth, Mark ate the chocolate ball which melted chocolatey goodness on his tongue.

"Mm... guys. This is incredible." While he played through the many scary games, he also ate all the candy that was there: chocolates, gummies, taffy, and a lollipop. It was soon midnight and all the trick or treaters had gone home and to bed. Except one.

Much of the house was quiet besides Mark's yelling and the game through his headphones. He planned to stay up at least until 1. For some reason he started to feel light headed and dizzy.

"Hang on gang, I'll be back. Feeling a bit dizzy." He thought he was just tired. He thought. Then there was a knock at the door. Mark groaned, wondering how anyone was still up this late... or early? Opening the door, he found nothing. The man scoffed.

"Probably some last minute Halloween prank." He closed the door and headed back to his stream, but as he got to the room, a ton more candy was on his floor in a pile. Mark picked one up out of curiosity.


"You like my candy Mark?" He quickly spun around, frightened of the voice. It was the figure who came earlier. His hood was still on. Mark was trying to get words out, but the figure spoke first.

"It's okay Mark. I'm not going to hurt you... I already did. I'm not going to waste your time. I overheard you all month, heck even since September, talking about how you hate Halloween. Never wanting it to ever exist. But I got news for you pal; you follow the rules or you get hurt."

"How did you hurt me?! Unless... what did you do to Amy?!"

"Calm down Mark, she's fine. Unlike you, she followed the rules. And as for you, you took my candy." Mark was angry, confused, and worried all at once. Was he supposed to stay away because he was a stranger?

"Is it because I have to watch out for the so-called "stranger danger" at this time?" The figure said nothing, but pulled down his hood. It was an exact copy of Mark but his hair was pure black and he had skin the color of smoke.

"Kids know that shit Mark. Do you know what candy that was?"

"Chocolate, some taffy, gummies..." The man instantly smirked. Suddenly a grumbling pain hit Mark hard in the stomach. He started throwing up all that he had eaten.

"It wasn't licesned candy. And even if it was..." he bent down on one knee, lifting up his chin, " always check your candy Mark." He stood up, leaving Mark to vomit his own blood. Turning to the camera, he simply said "Happy Halloween," and the stream ended.

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