Prison (Yancy x Reader) [You choose!]

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The prison was very intimidating; criminals in the same striped outfit were roaming around. You on the other hand, were just a simple human being who happened to make the clumsiest mistake ever. But that doesn't matter, cause it wasn't worth going to jail.

The warden checked your belongings, which was mainly a wallet that contained $20, your phone, and some gum. Luckily you were able to keep the gum since it wasn't valuable to the warden. He was a very nice man who showed you around the entire facility.

"You, you are special. You will fit right in. Any questions, ask a guard to escort you to my office. And welcome... to Happy Trails Penitentiary." With that, he left. One of the guards took you to your cell and it seemed nice. There were two bunk beds that were nearly made, a desk with a small widescreen tv, and a desk with some flowers and chocolates.

You had to have a roommate, otherwise why would a bunk bed be here?

"Well, guess I need to break out."

"Break out? Of this place?" There was another voice close by. You looked around you.

"Why would you wanna break out?"

"Who's talking?"

"Up here." The voice was from a man sitting on the top bunk. His accent was a mix of New Jersey and.. New York? He jumped down in front of you, with a pissed face.


"Uh.. cause I have a family. They must be worried sick." The man growled at your words.

"Oh, so youse one of them family types." As he continued talking to you, you noticed he had tattoos on his body; a chibi box on his neck, a flow chart of some sort on his arms and the names "MARK" and "DARK" on his knuckles. He also wasn't like the other prisoners you saw. This guy wore a white shirt with the striped prisoner pants. Something in you head told you he was the leader of the prisoners.

"The truth is, they ain't gonna care about youse no more." His words broke your heart, but perhaps you could stay? No! You needed to go. As handsome as this man was, you had a life to live. But maybe prison was the life you were never offered.

"Are youse okay? Looks like youse thinking about somethin'. What is it?"

(You get to pick now! Stay with Yancy or break out? Each choice will get you with Yancy either way.)

Mark, Jack, and Egos X Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now