I Don't Wanna Be Free (Yancy x Reader)

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(You chose to stay!)

You nodded, deciding to stay. Besides, there may never be an opportunity to be with such a handsome man ever again.

Yancy smiled. "Yeah, that's what I like to hear. Let me show youse around." By the time it was dinner, you knew the insides and out of the facility from the the inside of your cell to the front of the building. Food was the one thing that surprised you. You thought you'd be getting a tray of beans and slop, but turns out movies like to be exaggerated. You received a plate of  peas, a chicken leg, Caesar salad, and a slice of french bread.

"We ain't a prison, so food's always gonna be good," Yancy said taking a mouthful of peas. You gladly enjoyed the food yourself. Curfew wasn't until 11pm so Yancy brought the gang together in a game of "go fish", UNO, and "solitaire". Card games were definitely more fun with a big group and the competition was heated. However, BamBam was being a little too obnoxious with Heapass so the guards had to cut the game short.

"Times for bedtime. Youse can take a shower, clean youses teeth, do whatever needs are necessary to make youses bedtime perfect." He slid past you as you decided on a shower. It's been a good day and a half since your last one. You got in the shower, noticing the showers were for everyone. Guess there wasn't enough money for separate showers. And right next to you? Yancy... in his beautiful, sexy skin he stood under the glistening water. You blushed, unable to make eye contact now. Even though the water was warm enough, your body was hot. Both of you, naked and only one of you afraid.

You slipped into your pajamas, which was literally your prisoner outfit you had on before. Making way to your bunk, someone grabbed you from behind and spun you around. It was Yancy.

"Hey there. So, I know we still gots to know each other, but I was hoping... maybe, youse and I could be a little more?" Your heart skipped a beat, oh how much you wanted to say yes! But you stopped yourself.

"I really like that, but we literally just met not too long ago. Maybe in a few months." Yancy smiled at that, pulling you to bed with him. Days turned into weeks, turning into months, and eventually years. It had now been 3 years since you joined the prison life and a little over 2 since you started dating Yancy. Life could not be any more perfect.

"Will youse marry me?" Maybe it could.

Mark, Jack, and Egos X Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now