More Than A Nightmare (Anti X Reader)

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"I'm coming for you Y/N!" I woke up suddenly after hearing that voice that has always ended my nightmares. Looking over to the clock, I found that it was an early 2:03 am.

"Ugh," I grumbled as I sat up. This wasn't the first time this happened so luckily I expected to not sleep again. I kept thinking about my past nightmares. They all occurred with the same person but I never got much of a glimpse of who they were. All I knew is that they had little fangs, green hair and green eyes. I never knew the gender but since the voice was low as a baritone, it seemed, I assumed the figure was a male.

As I gazed around my room, I found that something wasn't right. In the corner of my eye I seriously thought I saw him. I gulped and quickly pulled the covers over my head and shivered with fear.

Unfortunately, I was correct. I felt a long hand grab the covers and pull them off. It may have been just a small moment that I looked scared before my emotions were now terrified. The wide grin the spread across his face was similar to the Cheshire Cat... but more demonic.

"Found you." He suddenly lunged for me and attacked me... with cuddles? He looked so frightening and yet he was seeming so peaceful and innocent. No, I couldn't let his adorableness let his aggressiveness slide. So, I tried pushing him off. In return, I was pinned to my own bed.

"Feisty, are we?" He asked with a horrifying smirk. I whimpered knowing I was no match for this... man. I tried kicking and hitting. My arms were held by the side of my head instantly and my legs were too weak to kick him anywhere. I sighed as I gave up. He seemed to realize I had and picked me up and set me in his lap. His last words he said to me were,

"I love you Y/N." I heard the same ring again from my alarm clock. I woke up sweating so hard and I gazed at the time; 8:35. I sat up and held my head.

"Well... that was a weird nightmare."

"Oh, that was no nightmare." I froze in place as two arms wrapped themselves around me. 

"I'm the nightmare." Suddenly, I fell asleep in the warm hands of that man.


5 Deviantart points if I should continue!

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