Age Like a Fine Wine (Inktober Day 12)

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It was an ordinary dark day. The moon was out just like normal and the sky was black as dust. Dark sat on his comfy velvet throne while watching his brothers eat and drink. He didn't need as much blood as they did.

He was a fine man if no one made the realization that he was a vampire. Though he was thousands of years old, he looked to be in his early 30s. That's what you get when you're practically immortal.

He stepped off his throne as he headed for another part of his palace, as he called it. Coming up to a big door he walked in, then to another door, and another before coming up to a giant steel door that seemed to be locked tight. He unlocked it with a few turns and stepped down a set of stairs into what was a basement.

Another being was in there tied up in a chair. They weren't dead, probably asleep or passed out from the looks of it. Dark approach them and snapped his fingers in front of their face, immediately causing them to wake up.

"Well hello there Y/N~" Obviously they panicked and struggled against the restraints to which he only laughed at.

"Trust me, you won't be leaving anytime soon~" The strange thing this was, why did he have to be so good looking? In Y/N's mind, they thought Dark was incredibly handsome. But they wanted to leave! They have a family and a life to live! Suddenly Dark's fangs reached around their neck, piercing the skin. Blood trickled down and all Y/N could think about was how she would be the next vampire generation.

Mark, Jack, and Egos X Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now