Bite (Inktober Day 1)

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Dark was following Mark out of the red car they escaped into. He couldn't remember much of what happened last night, except that they were trying to steal something very important. Well that probably wasn't important anyways. Just as they made it into a clearing, both could hear grunts and growls not far away.

"Hey- hey look out!" But of course it was too late. Dark turned right into a zombie, though he was expecting it too. Mark got out of his way to punch the creature with his fist and insisted they run away. Dark couldn't care less but decided he would follow the other's lead. The zombies followed behind until they made a very sharp turn. The monsters went one way and were king gone.

"That was close," Mark said as he kept his eye out of the small window the shack had that sheltered them for now. On the other hand, Dark did get a zombie bite. He just stared at it like it was a small injury. The bite dug into his skin, releasing a small bit of blood, nothing too crazy. It wasn't gonna affect him but Mark didn't know that.

"Mark," he started trying to get his attention.

"Stay calm... stay calm! Are you calm?! Cause I know I am VERY CALM!" Yeah, no. He was not calm.

"Mark.." he showed him his bite. "Look I'm gonna be fine. I just need-"

"Oh you brave a beautiful soul! Just.. go! Be free like the creature you were meant to be!" He was crying but Dark knew it was staged. Everything was! He groaned and slowly left before teleporting back to the mansion where the rest of the egos were.

"So Damien, how'd it go with Mark?" Warfstache asked, notebook in hand to write down all the details.

"Let me just say this... don't trust him. He won't even try saving you until after 30 seconds. It's like he's in some movie all about him." He glared to the doctor after speaking.

"Now you said you wanted more screen time? Then why don't you come over and do your job? Fix my bite doctor."

Mark, Jack, and Egos X Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now