Cuddles & Cookies! (Wilford x Dark)

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After a long day of fighting with Anti, Dark made it home exhausted and grumpy. However, one person was excited to see him and wanted to hang out; something Dark really did not want to do at the moment.

"Hi Dark!"

"Ugh... not now Wil." Wilford pouted.

"Aww come on Darkimoo~"

"I said no!" He stomped up to his room, which he shared with Dr. Iplier, and put on something just a bit more comfy than his usual suit and tie. He got onto his bed and checked out his phone before putting it in his charger, since it was pretty low. He took out the book he was reading and started to read where he left off. All the while, Wilford was watching contently. They were the only egos home at the moment and Wilford was stuck inside all day due to the last couple murders he committed.

As he watched, he noticed Dark's muscular arms and blushed as pink as his mustache. He imagined Dark holding Wilford and the two egos cuddling on the couch while watching horror movies together. He was snapped out of his daydream as Dark yelled at him.

"What are you doing here? Can you just leave me alone!?" Wilford felt the sting in his heart as he rushed away. Dark sighed as he continued reading.

~time skip~

Once Dark finished the rest of the novel, he yawned and went out to the kitchen to get something to eat, before spotting a plate of cookies out in the open. Approaching the sweets, he noticed a pink not resting on the pile.


I'm very sorry for annoying you. I bet you were tired today, so I made you a snack. I was just so lonely until you showed up. I hope this is enough to apologize.



Dark sighed after reading the note.

"Wilford?" The crazy man stumbled from his own room to where Dark was in the kitchen. He noticed he was near the cookies he baked not too long ago and smiled slightly.

"I'm sorry-"

"No Dark, I'm sorry. I just wanted someone to hang out with after being alone for several hours." Dark went up to the ego and caressed his cheek.
"It's ok. I'm better now. Thank you." Dark smiled, and for once in his life, it wasn't an evil grin or smirk. It was... a happy smile. Wilford grinned big and hugged him. This caught Dark off guard only because he wasn't a hugger of sorts, but he hugged the man.

"How about you and I eat these on the couch and watch some movies together?"

"Only if you promise to cuddle with me." Dark blushed lightly.

"Cuddle you? Um.. sure Wil. Heh, I can do that." They cuddled together on the couch, Dark holding the other, and watched horror movies, getting more ideas on how to get rid of the one named Mark.

Mark, Jack, and Egos X Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now