Tea Time (Reader X Dapper Jack)

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It was reaching 12:30 now and I knew I had to dash to his place. His meaning Jack's. Jack was my good friend and ever since we were in kindergarten, he would always invite me to his place for "tea time". I thought it was cute at the time, but now, as an adult, he has acted a bit wonky - almost like the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. But he was extremely kind either way.

I was really close to being late and the last time I was late, he told me that it was done. I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but I apologized multiple times. He finally agreed to have more "tea time" as long as I came on time. Luckily, as I rang his doorbell, I had arrived just three minutes until 12:30. I heard him yell,

"Come in." I opened the door and he was smiling like a little child seeing his mother for the first time. He wore his usual attire: white button-up shirt, blue vest, dapper hat, and monocle. His furry black mustache was so handsome on him. I'm so glad he decided to not shave it off. His green hair was another thing that made him stand out. As kids, he had a light caramel but he switched to green. Everything about this man struck me as fascinating.

"Come and stay awhile Y/N." I giggled at his cute accent which made him smile more. I sat down in the chair facing him as he handed me a pink teacup with my favorite tea already stirred. I reached for the cream before he politely said,

"I put the cream and sugar in for you. 1 1/2 teaspoons and 30 mg if I'm not mistaken?"

"You know me so well." I slightly blushed as I took a sip of tea. I saw him do the same but he held up his pinkie. Whenever he lifts his pinkie while drinking, it means he has something important to say. I didn't say anything because I knew he was going to speak, but what he said surprised me just a bit.

"It's funny. Whenever you're here, you giggle and blush at something I say. I think it's adorable." I blushed a little more as my face began to turn a light red. I set my cup down and smiled at the floor. I knew this was coming. I could feel my chin being raised and was starting to look up at him. I smiled bigger.

"Y/N, I think I'm falling in love with you." As he said those very words, I instantly hugged him. 

"I love you too Jack." I never knew my long crush on my best friend, since kindergarten (strange, I know), would come true. I thought this was a dream so I kissed him and he was kissing back! His lips felt so soft and light on top of mine. When we broke, he looked me in the eyes saying,

"I am glad you love me. I've wanted to say that for a long time."

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." We smiled at each other and hugged once again. I love Jack. Nothing can change that.


Requested by @Allie_dapper

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