When the Cookie Crumbles (Inktober Day 13)

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Dark sat around in his house, bored and hungry. Even though he could eat his house, he couldn't without becoming homeless. And he didn't feel satisfied from sweets. See, his house was far from ordinary; it was made out of gingerbread, frosting, candy, and anything sweet. It was cheaper than most housing materials and in the middle of the woods surrounded by trees? Nothing could harm the edible shelter.

As he was reading a book, he heard two teen boys coming across his house. One had a deeper voice and the other seemed to be a higher accent.

"Mark! We can't just go in! Someone most definitely lives there."

"Calm down Jack. We're just gonna take a few candies and then be off. We lost Bob, Wade, Tyler and Ethan. And we were the ones to get food anyway." Dark chuckled as he heard this. Guess it was time to shine, since he was born to be the witch of the story Hansel and Gretal, only to be modernized.

He got up and opened the door when he saw Mark pulling off gumdrops off his front windowsill. "And what do you think you're doing young man?"

Mark froze, not actually thinking this through. Jack, on the other hand, was frantically grabbing the candy from Mark's hands, trying to give them back and apologize. "Now gentlemen, I mean no harm and I understand how much you might want to take the candies. So I will let you eat, but only if you come in and keep me company. I have had so few visitors lately."

Jack was unsure but Mark was easy to walk in. Reluctantly, he followed his buddy as Dark closed the door behind him. He asked them to sit in the kitchen but to not eat anything. Giving them a few minutes, he presented them a bounty of food and sweets to eat. Both boys were so in awe before they were gobbling up food like normal teenage boys did.

"Sir, aren't you gonna eat as well? You look just as hungry as we are... like you hadn't eaten anything in months," Jack stated as he took a bite of chicken. Dark only chuckled at the response.

"I eat so much food, I can easily go without for a long time."

"So is this magic food?!" Mark was excited. Eating a lot and not having to eat for a long time? Magic! "You could say that." Dark got up when he grabbed some cookies he finished baking and smirked, sprinkling some stuff on the cookies and stirring something in the pitcher of milk. He took the treats to the boys.

"Since my house is made of cookie, I figured it was only fair to give you two what you want." They two instantly grabbed a cookie and poured a small cup of milk. They ate most of the cookie and a big drink of milk. As they were about to speak, they both suddenly stopped chewing and fell unconscious. Their faces landing on the table. Dark went over and looked to the both of them.

"Now I get to enjoy my own meal~"

Mark, Jack, and Egos X Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now