Check-Up (Dr. Scheeplestein X Reader)

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"Miss Y/N, the doctor may see you now." I rose from the chair I sat in and followed the nurse to a small room. I sat on the little cot waiting for the doctor to arrive. Every doctor I had was different since they were all crazy and ended up getting fired. 

I had high hopes for this doctor in particular though. Even though it was just a little check-up, what could a doctor do wrong? I sat for about five minutes before a man came walking in, dressed in a white lab coat and scrubbed his hands after placing a clipboard down next to him. He dried his hands and looked over the clipboard.

"Vat do we have here? A check-up I see? Hmm." I bit my lip, realizing that accent was pretty hot for a green-haired doctor. He also looked fine too. 

"Ah miss Y/N." He turned to face me.

"I am Dr. Schneeplestein. I vill be your doctor this morning." He held his hand out and I gladly shook it. He sat down in his chair and asled me some normal questions about my health and if anything was hurting. Then it came time to check my heart rate and blood pressure. He told me to breathe in and out when he said so. The stethoscope was over my heart and his other hand was against my back. I blushed slightly as his hand moved up and down my back.

'Stop thinking like this! He's your doctor!'

"Well your heart rate seems pretty normal." Then he took my blood pressure. He squeezed the little pump as air was sucked from the wrapped cushion around my arm. I didn't realize it at first, but he was holding my hand. Out of all the doctors I had, they never held my hand. Suddenly, I feel an arm up my leg, then move away as he pulled the cushion off my arm. Then he just felt my pulse in my wrist. I was just watching his hand the whole time until my chin was being lifted and I was staring into some ocean blue eyes; they were gorgeous.

"Well, looks like vat is done! You are free to go." He left the room before sneaking a sticky not on my lap. I read the note.

'Talk later?' And his number was written on there. I blushed and walked out of the building happily.

'Maybe I should get a check-up more often.'


Requested by @Aesthetic_Archer

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