My Future? (Reader X Googleplier)

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"Say what?" I was surprised they knew who I was going to marry... or wanted me to marry.

"Look honey, it's for the best," my mom tried to tell me before I cut her off.

"No, you clearly only want me to marry that... thing because it totally shut me up when you wanted me to. It's like a friend I never knew existed. Besides, it doesn't have feelings unless programmed into it." My mom sighed and brought in the robot. It looked at me with it's brown eyes. 

"Look honey, I programmed this... AI to be with you forever. First as a friend, then something more as you grew up. I just didn't want you living by yourself for the rest of your life. I know your father would've wanted that." I suddenly felt tears rolling down my cheeks. My dad was the inventor of these machines until he passed from a car accident. It hurt me so much because I was so young and really wanted to be like him. That dream never came to be. 

I suddenly felt arms wrap me in a hug. I thought it was my mom, but saw the blue shirt and my mom standing behind him so I was looking at her. 

"It's okay. I'm here for you." The robot I called Mark rubbed my back as I laid my head on his shoulder. I figured I might as well let him take me in; I really had no other choice at this point unless I ran away, which I would not do. He took my hand and guided me to my room. He quietly shut the door and sat me on the bed next to him. His arm draped around my shoulders as I wiped my tears away.

"I know this is hard, but I'll never leave your side. When you pass, I'll shut down and continue living how you wanted." For some reason, his robotic tone calmed me, it always did. I looked at him, rustled his hair, and kissed him quickly on the lips. I felt my mouth spread open into a smile as his cheeks turned a bright pink. I giggled at him and hugged him. 

"I love you Mark."

"I love you too. I always will, don't you ever forget that." I realized that this was more than just my friend. This was my future husband. My current boyfriend. I loved him dearly. As we hugged, I didn't wanna leave his arms. He was too perfect.

Mark, Jack, and Egos X Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now