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Em's POV

It was evening.. I and May are standing in front of Kong's house after we were done with the classes.. May was shocked to know that Kong was the second heir of Suthilak's who own the Siam Polymer, the biggest company in Thailand and also in few other countries... but she kept that aside because we have another important thing to do now.. The main thing I am fearing is about Kong's elder brother P'Forth.. who loves Kong dearly..

I took a deep breath before going inside.. The maid opened the door and let me inside as she already knows me.. As I walked inside, I saw that P'Forth.. uncle and aunty were already in the living room..
"Swadee Khab Uncle, Aunty, P'Forth.." I said.. 
"Wadee Son.. long time no see.. but Kong is not here.. he must be in the university right.." Kong's mother said and I could here worry in her voice.

"Aunty.. Uncle.. P'Forth.. I came to talk about Kong.. and she is my girlfriend May and also Kong's friend.." I said as I introduced May to them.
"Swadee Khab Ma'am.. Sir and P.." She said as she wai'ed to them..
"Call us Uncle and Aunty like Em.. he is also like a son to us.. He grew up in front of us.. " She said.. and then asked us to sit..

"Nong Em.. you wanted to speak about Kong.. is everything okay..?" P'Forth asked..
"P.. before telling the actual problem.. I want to ask something.." I said nervously.. May held my hand and gave a squeeze..
"Em.. you are scaring us please tell fast.." Uncle said this time with a worried vocie..
"Uncle.. Aunty.. P'Forth.. will you accept Kong if he is in love with a boy..?" I asked with closed eyes.. When I did not hear anything for a while.. I opened my eyes to see them..

"Finally Kong fell in love..!" Aunty exclaimed happily while P'Forth and Uncle were smiling widely.. Okay.. this is good but also bad..
"Oh.. we don't oppose it.. and even I have a fiancé.. and it is he.. I have chased him in my university life.. and we have been together since then.." P'Forth said.. I was shocked but accepted it because I have other things to focus now.

"Who is it son..? I want to know about him.." Uncle said.
"Uncle.. but you need to know something else also.. And P'Forth.. I know you will be angry after you hear this.. but I hope you won't do anything because that will only hurt Kong more." I said.. this time I was little serious..

"Okay.. I won't do anything in anger.. " He said.
"There was a rumor which spread in our college after we came from the gear giving ceremony that we organized in the beech as our responsibility.. and that rumor was about Kong being in a relation with a junior girl.. my other friends and Kong's lover thought that the rumor was true.. Kong is broken for 3 weeks now.. he even took leave for this whole month.. with the condition that he would keep studying from home and also submit assignments time to time.." I said..

"They did not even ask him.. especially his lover..?" Uncle asked.. 
"Khab.. they did not ask and just judged in front of everyone.. Kong's lover also slapped him in the canteen and blamed him for cheating.. That was the first day in my life I saw Kong's tears that to in front of everyone.." I said in one go.. Though I fear Phi Forth's temper when it is related to Kong.. but I know I will have to spill it.

"WHAT..?! Who is that who slapped my little brother.. I'll show him hell now.." P'Forth shouted in anger as he stood up..
"P.. please.. There is more you need to know.. and that is the main reason I am here.." I pleaded him.. Aunty made him sit down..
"Em.. what else is there..?" P'Forth asked me after Cooling down.. I and May glanced at eachother..

"Kong is.. Kongispregnant.." I shuttered but then said completely in one go..
"What did you say..?" They asked me with confused expression..
"I hope you won't push away Kong after I say this.. he really needs you all.." I said and took a deep breath.. "Kong is Pregnant.. And no this is not a joke.. it seems just a day before their fight he asked his boyfriend to make love with him.. he even went to speak to him about this last week but he saw something and decided against it.. and even I don't know what happened.." I said clearly but a little fast because I myself felt shy to say 'make love'.

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